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Eupithecia sp. probably miserulata


Eupithecia miserulata

Eupithecia miserulata

Hi, Robert I've looked at al


Eupithecia miserulata - Hodges #7474

Eupithecia miserulata - Hodges #7474

Eupithecia nevadata

Eupithecia miserulata?

Check Common Eupithecia (Eupi

Eupithecia, likely miserulata

Eupithecia, likely miserulata

Looks like Eupithecia miserul


Eupithecia sp.

Eupithecia miserulata perhaps


Looks like a

Eupithecia miserulata

Re: Moth-Pug-Common (maybe)

Re: Unknown Moth

As best as we can tell.

Re: Adult

Re: Moth

Re: Moth with tick and small fly

They'll Drive You Nuts!


Eupithecia sp. (Geometridae)



Common eupithecia?

Common Eupithecia

Possibly Eupithecia miserulat

Looks like...

Eupithecia sp.


Eupithecia Moth


White dots


Eupithecia miserulata - Common Eupithecia - Hodges#7474

Have a look


It looks like Eupithecia to m


Not sure

Thank you



Eupithecia sp

We're making some progress on the geometrid cats

We were hesitant about whether

Eupithecia miserulata - Common Eupithecia - Hodges #7474

Eupithecia sp

If they're on coneflowers (Rudbeckia)...

Is the flower a Rudbeckia?

Perhaps Common Pug


This one looks like Wagner's image

Then it is a moth!

Eupithecia sp

Pretty Good Match for 7474 - Eupithecia miserulata...

Those chevrons sound like the common pug

One of the Pug Moths.......

One of Those Tough MicroMacros

Common Eupithecia Moth - Eupithecia miserulata

How about...

I think then the last two seg

Moved, Eupithecia miserulata

Moved, Eupithecia miserulata

Moved, Eupithecia

Moved, Eupithecia

I'm almost sure it's Eupithec

Thank you!

Looks to be

Hi Susan

Thanks, I agree, it looks muc

Moved, Eupithecia miserulata


Moved, Eupithecia miserulata

Okay, I was wondering about E

Eupithecia (possibly E. misreulata)

Moved, Eupithecia

Moved, Eupithecia miserulata

Yes, Eupithecia

Moved, Eupithecia

Eupithecia ?

Eupithecia miserulata


E. miserulata

E. miserulata



Likely Eupithecia species


Delmar, FYI

Eupithecia pug

Moved to Eupithecia




Looks like

I think I found it.

Not an expert,

Host plant

Looks like a fun group...

May be Eupithecia miserulata

I appears to be an....

Probably 7474 - Eupithecia miserulata


Eupithecia miserulata

Looks Like 7474 - Eupithecia miserulata

Eupithecia, possibly 7474 - E. miserulata

Eupithecia sp., prob. miserulata

Could it be,

Eupithecia miserulata