Matching images: Matching guides: Matching comments ranked in order of relevance: Eupithecia sp. probably miserulata Eupithecia Eupithecia miserulata Eupithecia miserulata Hi, Robert
I've looked at al Eupithecia Eupithecia miserulata - Hodges #7474 Eupithecia miserulata - Hodges #7474 Eupithecia nevadata Eupithecia miserulata? Check Common Eupithecia (Eupi Eupithecia, likely miserulata Eupithecia, likely miserulata Looks like Eupithecia miserul miserulata? Eupithecia sp. Eupithecia miserulata perhaps Photo#981318 Looks like a Eupithecia miserulata Re: Moth-Pug-Common (maybe) Re: Unknown Moth As best as we can tell. Re: Adult Re: Moth Re: Moth with tick and small fly They'll Drive You Nuts! Yes Eupithecia sp. (Geometridae) Eupithecia Eupithecia Common eupithecia? Common Eupithecia Possibly Eupithecia miserulat Looks like... Eupithecia sp. Eupithecia Eupithecia Moth Yes White dots . Eupithecia miserulata - Common Eupithecia - Hodges#7474 Have a look Moved It looks like Eupithecia to m . Not sure Thank you Eupithecia Perhaps Eupithecia sp We're making some progress on the geometrid cats We were hesitant about whether Eupithecia miserulata - Common Eupithecia - Hodges #7474 Eupithecia sp If they're on coneflowers (Rudbeckia)... Is the flower a Rudbeckia? Perhaps Common Pug possibly This one looks like Wagner's image Then it is a moth! Eupithecia sp Pretty Good Match for 7474 - Eupithecia miserulata... Those chevrons sound like the common pug One of the Pug Moths....... One of Those Tough MicroMacros Common Eupithecia Moth - Eupithecia miserulata How about... I think then the last two seg Moved, Eupithecia miserulata Moved, Eupithecia miserulata Moved, Eupithecia Moved, Eupithecia I'm almost sure it's Eupithec Thank you! Looks to be Hi Susan Thanks, I agree, it looks muc Moved, Eupithecia miserulata Eupithecia Moved, Eupithecia miserulata Okay, I was wondering about E Eupithecia (possibly E. misreulata) Moved, Eupithecia Moved, Eupithecia miserulata Yes, Eupithecia Moved, Eupithecia Eupithecia ? Eupithecia miserulata Eupithecia E. miserulata E. miserulata Concur Eupithecia Likely Eupithecia species Moved Delmar, FYI Eupithecia pug Moved to Eupithecia Moved . maybe Looks like I think I found it. Not an expert, Host plant Looks like a fun group... May be Eupithecia miserulata I appears to be an.... Probably 7474 - Eupithecia miserulata Thanks! Eupithecia miserulata Looks Like 7474 - Eupithecia miserulata Eupithecia, possibly 7474 - E. miserulata Eupithecia sp., prob. miserulata Could it be, Eupithecia miserulata