Matching images: Matching guides: Matching books: A new species of Conomorium Masi (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), parasitizing the fall webworm Hyphantria cuneaMatching comments ranked in order of relevance: It is Hyphantria cunea. The a Hyphantria Some IDs Fall Webworm Moth Caterpillar - Hyphantria cunea Yes, Hyphantria cunea Hyphantria cunea looks right. Could also be Hyphantria cunea Hyphantria cunea. Hyphantria cunea? Hyphantria cunea. Hyphantria cunea. Hyphantria cunea? Hyphantria cunea (Fall Webwor Hyphantria cunea, maybe? Jus Hyphantria cunea Hyphantria cunea Hyphantria cunea? 2 things wrong Hyphantria cunea Moved to Hyphantria cunea lev Hyphantria cunea Fall Webworm Moth - Hodges#8140 (Hyphantria cunea) on second thought: hyphantria cunea Fall Webworm Moth (Hyphantria cunea) H. cunea or S. vestalis Hyphantria cunea? H. cunea angular lines closer than H. cunea. Probably Hyphantria cunea Or, could be ..... you could try looking at genus spilosoma Hyphantria cunea? Hyphantria cunea Looks to be Moved, Hyphantria cunea (female) Looks like... Looks like... Looks to be Looks to be Moved, Hyphantria cunea (male) Frassed, yes, Hyphantria cunea (male) Moved, Hyphantria cunea (female) Moved, Hyphantria cunea (male) Hyphantria cunea (male) Frassed, Hyphantria cunea (female) Hyphantria cunea Moved, Hyphantria cunea (male) Moved, Hyphantria cunea (male) Moved, Hyphantria cunea Moved, Hyphantria cunea Hyphantria cunea (male) Moved, Hyphantria cunea (male) Looks to be Probably Hyphantria cunea Moved, Hyphantria cunea (male) Moved, Hyphantria cunea Looks like Hyphantria cunea - fall webworm moth. Moved, Hyphantria cunea (female) We would have suggested We would have suggested Hyphantria cunea (male) I suspect Moved, Hyphantria cunea (female) Hyphantria cunea OK Moved, Hyphantria cunea Hyphantria cunea (male) Moved, Hyphantria cunea (male) Moved, Hyphantria cunea (male) Moved, Hyphantria cunea Moved, Hyphantria cunea Moved, Hyphantria cunea Moved, Hyphantria cunea Moved, Hyphantria cunea Moved, Hyphantria cunea Our first thought is Likely Hyphantria cunea Moved, Hyphantria cunea Our first thought is Hyphantria cunea Moved Moved Check out The hairs seem short Hyphantria cunea Maybe Hyphantria cunea yes, with those long hairs Looks to be Looks to be Looks to be caterpillar Hyphantria cunea Looks to be Hyphantria cunea Our first thought is Tiger Moth Moved, Hyphantria cunea We would suggest Hyphantria cunea Looks to be Moved, Hyphantria cunea Moved, Hyphantria cunea Moved, Hyphantria cunea Moved, Hyphantria cunea Looks rather to be Moth Looks to be Looks to be Check out Hyphantria cunea Looks to be We would have suggested Frassed Looks to be Looks to be Looks to be Our first thought is Our first thought would be Looks to be Moved Can't see well We would guess Hyphantria cunea Fall Webworm Fall Webworm Did you see abdomen or underside Looks to be Looks to be Looks to be Our first thought Looks like one of the tiger m Hyphantria cunea Sighting date is missing Fall Webworm moth? Looks to be Our best guess is Yes, Our first thought is I was thinking she was all wh Dark image, maybe Hyphantria cunea We would have suggested Our first thought is Moved . Tiger Moth If the eggs... Fall Webworm Moth (all-white) Tiger Moth I think this is probably Hyph . Makes us think Looks to be Hyphantria cunea? Hyphantria cunea is convincing Overall look makes us think Makes us think Hyphantria cunea Makes us think Hyphantria cunea Our first thought is Hyphantria cunea Looks to be Hyphantria cunea? Female - Fall Webworm Moth check Hyphantria cunea Hyphantria cunea? Moved Looks to be Moved Did this moth really come from these caterpillars? Fall Webworm Moth Fall Webworm? Possibly Hyphantria Fall Webworm Hyphantria cunea, methinks This does not look like E. Ac I think this might be [thumb: Moved Not much help but the spottin another Moved to Hyphantria cunea Moved to Hyphantria cunea Looks like Perhaps... Correct. Looks to be Looks like Looks to be Looks to be Hyphantria cunea Looks like maybe Fall Webworm Makes us think Fall Webworm Color pattern makes us think Fall Webworm can't get to genus level from image.. cat This may be Hyphantria cunea. Spot color and amount Hyphantria cunea vs. Malacosoma americanum Moved Fall webworm Fall Webworm Moth Hyphantria cunea? Yes, longer hairs Looks to be Hyphantria cunea Yes, Looks like a Fall Webworm Not an expert Fall Webworm With those very long setae Looks like a Fall Webworm Fall Webworm Moth? Looks to be Fall webworm May be Fall Webworm? Arctiidae Euplectrus? Is it possibly another Our first gut response is Hyphantria cunea Thanks - I definitely had Moved Our first thought is possibly ? Hyphantria cunea Looks to us Check out... Fall webworm Looks to be Looks like Check out Hyphantria cunea Fall webworm? Wonder if it might be Maybe I would guess that it is Hyph caterpillar If not Hyphantria cunea, then something very close Looks to be I would suggest... How about... * did you see the abdomen? We would suggest instead Hyphantria cunea? Fall Webworm Fall Webworm How about Hyphantria cunea? Take a look..... Hyphantria cunea - Hodges #8140 If It all white not manny ch fall webworm? Long hairs Hyphantria cunea 8140 Maybe Hyphantria cunea instead Fall Webworm? This is a... Hyphantria cunea Looks to us like Likely fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea) Hyphantria cunea hyphantria cunea Hyphantria cunea waiting Just a suggestion... yes, looks to be I'm thinking How about... are you sure its not.. Resembles Check out Looks a bit like Looks like Recent Story Posted About Those 'American' Moths... Not at all certain, Not an ID I would agree with Hyphantria cunea My vote would probable go to Hyphantria cunea Looks very similar to Hyphantria cunea agreed with no doubts probably hyphantria cunea Opening bid definitely Arctiini hyphantria cunea hyphantria cunea hyphantria cunea hyphantria cunea leg fluffiness and posture hyphantria cunea hyphantria cunea hyphantria cunea not an expert Strange case... Fall Webworm Hyphantria cunea yes Fall Webworm Fall Webworm close Fall Webworm Hyphantria cunea?? Fall Webworm Yes, fall webworm Please see Fall Webworm Moth - Hodges#81 Check out Fall webworm, Hyphantria cunea Check out Hyphantria cunea - Fall Webworm Moth tiger moth? Looks Like 8136 - Spilosoma dubia Maybe It's a ... There seems to be conflicting information... Comment from Looks like Also Check Hyphantria cunea Fall Webworm With those long hairs Check out the Fall Webworm Looks like Hyphantria cunea - Fall Webworm Moth With those very long hairs, We would suggest Try Hyphantria cunea Looks like.... We would suggest Hyphantria cunea I currently use copy/paste ex Spelling Check out Hyphantria cunea - Fall Webworm Moth Might be Hyphantria cunea, Fall Webworms I don't know if this is helpful Fall Webworm - Hyphantria cunea Webworm? There are some similar images Given the spots, you might want check out Fall webworm? Fall Webworm moth With those very long hairs Yes Fall Webworm Moth The flower appears to be Not much more seems to be happening on this one, Fall webworm, I believe. We'd guess Try - Fall Webworm Moth From those long hairs another possibility... the Fall WebwormMatching users: Vernon Antoine Brou Jr.