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The New World tarantula-hawk wasp genus Pepsis Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae).

Matching comments ranked in order of relevance:


Testing her out

Family Pompilidae, either genus Pepsis or Entypus

How About Hurd's 1952 Revision of Pepsis?

Pepsis grossa? (Is there more than one individual in this post?)

Pepsis photo

Moved from Pepsis

Male - Pepsis grossa

Female - Pepsis sp.

Concur on wasp ID


Spider Wasp

Spider Wasp + Wolf Spider

Reminds me...

Not Pepsis.


Pepsis wasp

Tarantula-Hawk Wasp of Pepsinae/Pepsini

Not Pepsis

It looks so similar

"When this guy turned up...first thought was a spider wasp"

Female - Tarantula Hawk Wasp

Not true!

[A disclaimer] + Further thoughts, and a much better putative ID

Or a VERY small dark area at the base of wings.

Keys out to Pepsis chrysothemis chrysothemis


Looks like a Tarantula Hawk Wasp

Pepsis Tarantula Hawk (Wasp large, black w/orange wings)

Pepsis mexicana


Pepsis pallidolimbata?

Narrowed seven species

Anoplius spider wasp




Pepsis Wasp

I guess if you picked up this

Pepsis Wasp

spider wasp

Male - Tarantula Hawk Wasp

Female - (Red-wing) Tarantula Hawk Wasp

Spider wasp

Male - Tarantula Hawk Wasp

Female - Tarantula Hawk Wasp

Female - Tarantula Hawk Wasp



Female - Spider Wasp

Pepsis - Tarantula Hawk Wasp

Pepsis Tarantula Hawk

Pepsis wasp

Southern Cyan Tiger moth…

It is...



Tarantula hawk, a wasp

Any estimate of size?

Tarantula hawk, a type of wasp


tarantula hawk

Wolf spider.

Up date on my request. Have h

Thanks Nick!

No, but I cropped out one wasp. LOL.

Oh, it's a spider wasp...

Spider Wasp?!?

Male pompilid.

Hanging out on Salvia - Pepsis


Moved to a guide page...

Just lucky

Tarantula Hawk

Tarantula Hawk

Central American Images

Matching users:

Desert Dan