Matching images: Matching comments ranked in order of relevance: Psyche casta Psyche casta? Psyche casta Probably Psyche casta Psyche casta Description from Davis Female bagworm, maybe Psyche Psyche Interesting Psyche casta (male) Psyche casta (male) Moved, Psyche casta (male) Moved, Psyche casta (male) I just searched Moved, Psyche casta I believe from looking at thi Psyche casta Moved, Psyche casta (male) Moved, Psyche casta Moved, Psyche casta Now confirmed in British Columbia. Bagworm Moved, Psyche casta Moved to Psychinae Moved Pimplinaeā¦ Psyche casta larval caseā¦ looks like a harvestman and a common bagworm Psyche casta Moved Not an expert Empty cocoon of an adult male Moved Moved It's a moth -- Epipyropidae moth Bagworm Psyche casta Psyche casta probably Psyche casta - Hodges #437 probably Psyche casta - Hodges #437 Yes, a bagworm Moved Bagworm (Psychidae) Moved Perhaps 0437 - Psyche casta..... Probably 0437 - Psyche casta Case Psyche casta Psyche casta Psyche casta (bagworm moth) I see you've moved all these to Psyche casta, Charlie A vote for the alien Well...