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Leaf Beetle (Trirhabda)

You are correct...

Chrysomelidae: Trirhabda


Thank you! I see it now!

Trirhabda bacharidis


Leaf Beetle larvae



Looks like Trirhabda

Not a blister beetle, but


Trirhabda sp

Trirhabda bacharidis

what a beauty

Interesting larvae….I googled…

How is this different from Tr

Should also be Trirhabda bacharidis

Should be Groundselbush Beetle - Trirhabda bacharidis

Trirhabda bacharidis

Trirhabda bacharidis (Groundselbush Beetle)

Trirhabda bacharidis

Trirhabda bacharidis, i presume

Trirhabda bacharidis, i believe

There is


Trirhabda bacharidis would be my best guess

Groundsel Tree

Groundsel Tree

I'm going to move them to Genus.

Baccharis halimifolia


So then do we all agree?

Thanks so much for the rapid

Looks like

Please see...

Trirhabda bacharidis

Not an expert but...

Not an ID but...

Salt bush leaf beetle

Leaf Beetle - Trirhabda bacharidis

Guide page...

Nice shot...

The proper spelling for this