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Matching comments ranked in order of relevance:

The one of the linked photo is related,

I'll Second It Being A 'Cricket'...

Not related

Do'oh! (Update)

Jumping Bush Cricket - Orocha

Jumping bush cricket, Orochar

Female Orocharis bush cricket

a Green Bush Cricket

Red-headed Bush Cricket

Red-headed Bush Cricket

Restless Bush Cricket

A female bush cricket

Bush Cricket

Thanks, David!

yes - a female "Jumping Bush Cricket"

Some type of bush cricket?

Bush Cricket, maybe Orocharis ?

Bush cricket.

I BELIEVE this may be a female Western Tree Cricket

tree cricket


Female bush cricket.

Red-headed Bush Cricket ?

Adult female bush cricket.

Bush cricket or "trig"

Bush cricket nymph.

Flightless bush cricket

Bush cricket.

Neat image, actually.

Bush cricket.

Bush cricket:-)

Bush cricket

Context and contrast

Not sure this is a tree cricket

Some Info

Ken- thank you for having ide


Same Bug, Two Common Names

katydid / cricket

cricket - katydid


Another cricket :)



Cricket, actually.

looks like a young Cricket,


Restless Bush Cricket nymph

I Love...

I went ahead and linked the Cricket and egg sack

A Silent Bush Cricket Nymph

I would guess...

Wayland Red-headed Bush Cricket Sightings

Not tree cricket.

Leaf-Rolling cricket


Raising Nymphs

bush cricket

Clarification for a newcomer


Cricket nymph (immature, so no wings)

Bush cricket?



Phyllopalpus pulchellus




Female Orocharis saltator, ju

Scudderia bush cricket

Looks like a female Tessellan

Orocharis saltator, Jumpimg b


red headed bush cricket

Moved tentatively



just a harmless jumping bush cricket


Red-headed bush cricket

Red-headed Bush Cricket (female)…


Red-headed Bush Cricket (female)…

Restless Bush Cricket (male)…

Red-headed Bush Cricket (female)…

Red-headed Bush Cricket (male)…

Western Bush Cricket




Photo#1409785 Hoplosphyrum boreale

Red-headed Bush Cricket (male)…

Jumping Bush Cricket

Restless Bush Cricket (male)…

female Hapithus agitator - restless bush cricket

Red-headed Bush Cricket nymph (female)…

Red Headed Bush Cricket

Red-headed Bush Cricket (male)…


female Phyllopalpus pulchellus


Red-headed Bush Cricket

I had considered

Baby Care

I'm thinking a western bush cricket, Hoplosphyrum boreale.

Looks like

Restless Bush Cricket (female)…

female Hapithus agitator - restless bush cricket

female Phyllopalpus pulchellus

Restless Bush Cricket (female)…

female Hapithus agitator - restless bush cricket

You got it.

Restless Bush Cricket (male)…

probably an O. saltator nymph...

Red-headed Bush Cricket

I think this is a bush cricket

Looks like...

Restless Bush Cricket!

a male restless bush cricket

male Jumping bush cricket

Restless Bush Cricket (male)…

female restless bush cricket

female jumping bush cricket

I believe

female restless bush cricket

Red-headed Bush Cricket

Red-headed bush cricket

Red-headed bush cricket


I think that's it - Thanks! R

Red-headed Bush Cricket

a female restless bush cricket

Even though the colors are different...

Reminds me of Hapithus agitator - Restless Bush Cricket

looks like

Red-headed bush cricket, adult male

a male Restless Bush Cricket


It looks like...

How about


Possibly Red-headed Bush Cricket Nymph

Phyllopalpus pulchellus?

Please see...

Found answer in the image pos

How about...

Red-headed Bush Cricket nymph?

Red-headed Bush Cricket

Red-headed Bush Cricket?

Thanks for the tip

Female restless bush cricket




Not sure, maybe

female jumping bush cricket

female restless bush cricket





Jumping Bush Cricket?

Red-headed Bush Cricket (Phyllopalpus pulchellus)

a female Bush Cricket

Restless Bush Cricket?


actually a Bush Cricket nymph,

Restless bush cricket, I think

a female "Say's Bush Cricket" or "Trig"

a female "Say's Bush Cricket"

actually an adult male Bush Cricket (or "Trig")



oops - forgot to move her when I commented

Looks like

Red-headed Bush Cricket, female

Jumping Bush Cricket?

a Bush Cricket in genus Anaxipha

a Bush Cricket Nymph

progress I think - looks like other Bush Cricket nymphs in

a little progress - definitely a Bush Cricket nymph

a male Say's Bush Cricket

This is a female Bush Cricket

Jumping Bush Cricket?

Orocharis saltator -Jumping Bush Cricket

Say's Trig


at the risk of being wrong

I think this is a nearly mature nymph of

Female Red-headed Bush Cricket

If you really get down to it,

adult male Say's Bush Cricket

a Say's Bush Cricket

Reminds me of


Restless Bush Cricket?

male Brown-spotted "Bush Cricket" nymph

Very young and very tiny,

a youn "Jumping Bush Cricket"

Jumping Bush Cricket nymph

Sorry about changing my mind

I am moderately sure that this is a Jumping Bush Cricket nymph

I might be mistaken

looks like a

red-headed bush cricket nymph

A female nymph of a Bush Cricket

Reminds me of


It's an adult male Bush Cricket

Reminds me of

moved back

It is a nymph of a Bush Cricket in genus Orocharis

A female Western Bush Cricket


It is a species of Bush Cricket

Re: Maybe Restless bush cricket?

Maybe Restless bush cricket?

an adult female Red-headed Bush Cricket

A Bush Cricket nymph

Flightless bush cricket

actually a Bush Cricket

Meconema thalassinum (f)

Red-headed Bush Cricket

Orocharis nymph?

immature Hapithus ?

Looks like a pretty good match to me,

Closest match I could find

looks like Carpenter Ants on a Bush Cricket

Resembles (in a general way)...

Male bush cricket.


Hapithus genus ? Bush Cricket

looks like a Bush Cricket

Bush cricket.

Nice shot of a Red-headed Bus

Bush cricket.

Bush cricket nymph


Red-headed Bush Cricket?

Bush cricket nymph:-)

brown-spotted bush cricket


Tree or bush cricket

You've got


How much is that doggie in the window?...

Eric IDed it as shieldbacked katydid

Red-headed Bush Cricket (Phyllopalpus pulchellus)


Red-headed Bush Cricket, I believe

Not an ID but...

Not an expert but...

Hmmm, Interesting...

Red-headed bush cricket.


What do you think of

Hatching Out Tree Crickets

Looks like

Not Ridiculous At All

Bush cricket.



Based on the SINA range maps

Thanks. Looks good for Hapith

Are you sure?

flightless bush cricket

I don't think it's a shieldback,

Female Orocharis sp.

Mystery Cricket

Phyllopalpus pulchellus

Phyllopalpus pulchellus

Harmonizing Those Chirps

Oh! So That's...


I agree.

Orocharis saltator.

Tree cricket

Red-headed Bush Cricket


I've seen this one

Red-headed Bush Cricket - Phyllopalpus pulchellus - Male

Matching users:

Common Buckeye Fan