Matching images: Matching guides: Matching books: A case of sympatric Celastrina ladon (Cramer), Celastrina lucia (W. Kirby) and Celastrina neglecta (Edwards) (Lycaenidae: PolyomMatching comments ranked in order of relevance: From the Info Pages Perhaps Celastrina ladon violacea or Celastrina ladon neglecta Moved Celastrina neglecta, Summer azure (?) Spring Azure Spring Azure Celastrina neglecta spring form Interesting stuff Celastrina I thought the species C. lado Maybe all are the same Update Summer Azure (Celastrina neglecta) I would try I think this is "C. ladon" or "C. neglecta" - ? Spring Azure (Celastrina) Celastrina "ladon" complex Lucia Celastrina ladon Dr Wright commented Range of characteristics Celastrina neglecta spring form Celastrina sp. (neglecta?) Used to be just one species - "Spring Azure" in the books, Celastrina... Spring Azure Looks like a female Celastrina echo (?) Celastrina COMPLEX Celastrina Summer or ladon? maybe this..... Celastrina If you wish to follow This is the Northern Spring Azure Celastrina N. Florida Azure - Moved Very interesting...So, C. lad Celastrina neglecta Celastrina neglecta Celastrina neglecta Celastrina neglecta Celastrina neglecta Celastrina neglecta Celastrina neglecta Azure Spring Azure Probaly C. ladon The tail and coloration does Spring Azure Looks like Spring Azure, Celastrina ladon This is an azure, genus Celas Yes It's definitely a blue (famil If you go into Celastrina sp. Celastrina sp. Celastrina ladon? an Azure - actually a type of butterfly an Azure, which is indeed a Blue Perhaps Spring Azure (Celastrina ladon) probably a Spring Azure - Celastrina ladon, azure This is Celastrina Kelly is right azure It is definitely a female Azure Spring Azure Perhaps Celastrina Celastrina Celastrina a word of caution Sighting of Larvae Blue butterfly A guess would be a Spring Azure I have a few more images of t Spring Azure, Celastrina ladon "complex" Celastrina ladon group Good suggestion. Most Interesting Azure I agree...Spring Azure, Celastrina ladon Looks like a Spring Azure, Ce ID ? Sorry, but I'd call this some not Spring Azure Looks Like Celastrina ladon... Spring Azure Southern Spring Azure Good News! Lots of new species A separate species My guess is Azure?