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Matching comments ranked in order of relevance:

Gray Buckeye

Thanks for the detailed explanation

Junonia coenia, common buck

Common Buckeye - Junonia coenia

Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia)

I'd say Common Buckeye - Junonia coenia


Junonia coenia

Junonia possibly

Looks like Common Buckeye (Ju

There is no Enodia coenia on BugGuide. Common buckeye

Common Buckeye (Junonia coeni

a Buckeye caterpillar - Junonia species

I'm not sure if this is Junonia evarete or J. coenia,

It's not the Tropical Buckeye

Hi, A complicated history

looks fishy

Since . . .

Common Buckeye Butterfly

Common buckeye, Junonia coenia

Common Buckeye

ID looks right to me

Buckeye? Bullseye!

Not a cocoon . . .

The cat is likely...

Looks like...

common buckeye butterfly

My bad

Moved to Junonia coenia.



Looks like...

Moved to Junonia coenia.

Frassed - has been identified and not needed for guide.

Frassed - has been identified and not needed for guide.

Frassed - has been identified and not needed for guide.

Frassed - has been identified and not needed for guide.

Frassed - has been identified and not needed for guide.

Yes, Junonia coenia - Common Buckeye


Frassed - has been identified and not needed for guide.

Looks to be a Common Buckeye,

Common Buckeye - Nymphalidae

One of the Buckeyes, genus Ju

Junonia coenia

Moved to Junonia coenia.

Moved to Junonia coenia.

Moved to Junonia coenia.

Looks like a Common Buckeye (

Moved to Junonia coenia.

Moved to Junonia coenia.

Common Buckeye

Moved to Junonia coenia.

Moved to Junonia coenia.

Moved to Junonia coenia.

Moved to Junonia coenia.

Moved to Junonia coenia.

Moved to Junonia coenia.

Moved to Junonia coenia.

Moved to Junonia coenia.

Moved to Junonia coenia.

Moved to Junonia coenia.

Common Buckeye

Thanks. We have a lot of Com

Moved to Junonia coenia.

Common Buckeye Cat.

Looks like


Common Buckeye Butterfly (Jun

Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia)

Moved to Junonia coenia

Moved to Junonia coenia

Common Buckeye

Common Buckeye

Common Buckeye

Common Buckeye

Common Buckeye

Junonia coenia cat…

Junonia coenia cat…

Normally a spiny caterpillar this size on thistle

Common Buckeye

Common buckeye

Junonia coenia


looks like a Common Buckeye (

Common Buckeye

Buckeye, I'm pretty sure

Thanks, Yurika

Junonia coenia?

Common Buckeye


buckeye butterfly


Common Buckeye

Common Buckeye

Junonia coenia


Common Buckeye

Junonia coenia

Junonia coenia - Common Buckeye larval form

you are correct

This is a Mangrove Buckeye - Junonia genoveva

I am willing to be proved wro

Common Buckeye - Junonia coenia


Common Buckeye


Common Buckeye

Nymphalidae (Buckeye?)

it is a Buckeye

Common Buckeye

A Buckeye Caterpillar

Common Buckeye

Butterfly :)

Common Buckeye

Compare to...

Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia)

Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia)

Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia)

Species Junonia coenia - Common Buckeye


Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia)


Perhaps Common Buckeye


Might be...

a Buckeye caterpillar

Common Buckeye

Looks to be the Buckeye


A Buckeye


I'm not certain, but...

This is a female Buckeye

Common Buckeye - Junonia coenia

Common Buckeye - Junonia coenia

Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia),

definitely a butterfly in the subfamily Nymphalinae

always helps to note which plant

Common Buckeye - Junonia coenia


took me a while

Junonia coenia

I'd say

Looks like a Common Buckeye J

Looks like...

Not an expert but

Commom Buckeye- Junonia coenia

Buckeye is right, but a butterfly

Common Buckeye



This conversation seems a bit familiar.....

Not sure who you are


Looks like


I agree.


Matching users:

Common Buckeye Fan