Subfamily Braconinae
Phylogeny of the Braconinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae): A new tribal order! By D. Quicke, J. Jasso-Martínez, A. Ranjith, M. Sharkey, R. Manjunath, S. Naik, P. Hebert, D. Priyadarsanan, J. Thurman, B. Butche Systematic Entomology, 49, (1): 84-109, 2023
Full authors: Donald L. J. Quicke, Jovana M. Jasso-Martínez, A. P. Ranjith, Michael J. Sharkey, Ramya Manjunath, Suresh Naik, Paul D. N. Hebert, Dharma Rajan Priyadarsanan, Jessa Thurman, Buntika A. Butcher
A synopsis of the Nearctic Braconini, with revisions of Nearctic species of Coeloides and Myosoma (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) By W.R.M. Mason The Canadian Entomologist ,110(7): 721-765, 1978
Six new hosts of Bracon mellitor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), with a review of recorded hosts By P. Glynn Tillman, James R. Cate Environmental Entomology 18(2): 328-333, 1989
A revision of the North American species of the Braconid genus Habrobracon Johnson (Ashmead) By Cushman, R. A. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 16(3): 99-109, 1914
Braconidae of the Middle East (Hymenoptera): Taxonomy, Distribution, Biology, and Biocontrol Benefits of Parasitoid Wasps 1st Ed By Neveen S. Gadallah, Hassan Ghahari, & Scott Richard Shaw (eds.) Academic Press: 612 pp., 2022
Key to the New World subfamilies of the family Braconidae (Hymenoptera) By Michael Sharkey, Kacie J. Athey, José L. Fernández-Triana, Angélica M. Penteado-Dias, Spencer K. Monckton, Donald L.J. Quicke Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification #49, 2023
Note: The braconid subfamily Rhyssalinae is misspelled as "Rhyssinae," which is the name of an ichneumonid subfamily.
Classification and Biology of Braconid Wasps (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) By Shaw MR, Huddleston T Royal Entomological Society of London, Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects, volume 7 part 11, 1991
Illustrated Key to the Subfamilies of the Braconidae By Cornelis van Achterberg Zoologische Verhandelingen, 283(1): 1-189, 1993