Infraorder Plenitentoria
Insect Migration. By Williams, C.B. Collins, London. xiii + 237 pp., 1958
Williams, C.B. 1958. Insect migration. Collins, London. xiii + 237 pp.
Contributed by Mike Quinn on 13 November, 2015 - 10:42am |
IMp: The customizable LEGO® Pinned Insect Manipulator By Dupont S., Price B., and Blagoderov V. ZooKeys, 2015
Full text
Thought this might be useful for those trying to photograph their collections and it's fairly ingenious. The authors are based at the Natural History Museum London
We present a pinned insect manipulator (IMp) constructed of LEGO® building bricks with two axes of movement and two axes of rotation. In addition we present three variants of the IMp to emphasise the modular design, which facilitates resizing to meet the full range of pinned insect specimens, is fully customizable, collapsible, affordable and does not require specialist tools or knowledge to assemble.
A guide to the Megaloptera and aquatic Neuroptera of Florida By Rasmussen A.K., Pescador M.L. Florida Dept of Environmental Protection, Div. Water Resource Management. Tallahassee. iii+45 pp., 2002
Contributed by v belov on 2 February, 2015 - 11:55am |
New Canadian and Ontario orthopteroid records, and an updated checklist of the Orthoptera of Ontario By Paiero S.M., Marshall S.A. J. ent. Soc. Ont. 145: 61–76, 2014
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why don't we have a Polyneoptera of Orthopteroidea page, why?!?!?
the paper mentions "two species originally recorded from Ontario on bugguide.net"
Contributed by v belov on 1 January, 2015 - 10:49pm |
Encyclopedia of insects, 2nd edition By Resh V.H., Cardé R.T. (Eds) Academic Press. 1024 pp., 2009
Contributed by v belov on 23 December, 2014 - 5:19pm |
Entomophagous Insects. By Clausen, C.P. Hafner Publishing, New York. x + 688 pp., 1972
Hymenoptera. Diptera. Lepidoptera. Strepsiptera. Coleoptera. Hemiptera. Thysanoptera. Trichoptera. Mecoptera. Plecoptera. Neuroptera. Odonata. Corrodentia. Orthoptera. Dermaptera. Thysanura.
Clausen, C.P. 1972. Entomophagous Insects. Hafner Publishing, New York. x + 688 pp. (Reprint)
Clausen, C.P. 1940. Entomophagous Insects. McGraw-Hill, New York. x + 688 pp. (Original)
Contributed by Mike Quinn on 6 November, 2014 - 12:52pm |
A survey of insects of the Florida Keys: cockroaches (Blattodea), mantids (Mantodea), and walkingsticks (Phasmatodea) By Peck S.B., Beninger C. Florida Entomologist 72: 612-617, 1989
Contributed by v belov on 28 July, 2014 - 2:53am |
Description of Caurinus tlagu, new species, from Prince of Wales Island, Alaska (Mecoptera, Boreidae, Caurininae) By Sikes, D.S., and J. Stockbridge ZooKeys 316: 35-53, 2013
Research article on the genus Caurinus (Mecoptera: Boreidae: Caurininae) with a new species description from Alaska.
Article available at:
ZooKeys 316 (2013) : 35-53