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Unk Moth - Hyperstrotia flaviguttata

Unk Moth - Hyperstrotia flaviguttata
Trinity River Refuge HQ building., Liberty County, Texas, USA
March 31, 2015
All my ideas failed on this one! I tried to blame it on him being wet.

Moved from ID Request.

The closest I am coming to wh
The closest I am coming to what should be a very identifiable moth is the Yellow-spotted Graylet - Hodges#9039 (Hyperstrotia flaviguttata)

Not as clear an image as yours but the yellowish splotch, dots in the finely etched reniform spot and other features seem close. Dark to light seems to vary a lot with the photo as seen on MPG

What do you think?

Thanks Nancy
You are correct with Hodges#9039 (Hyperstrotia flaviguttata). I should have found that one.

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