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Species Acilius confusus

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Taxonomic revision of the Holarctic diving beetle genus Acilius Leach (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae)
By Bergsten, Johannes & Miller, Kelly B.
Systematic Entomology, 31: 145-197, 2006
Link to abstract.
Describes a new species, Acilius confusus for North America and includes a revised key for all species in the genus.

New Dytiscidae
By Fall, H. C.
Journal of the New York Entomological Society 25(3):163-182., 1917
Description of several dytiscid species, including Hydroporus arizonicus (now in Neoporus).

A World Catalogue of the Family Dytiscidae, or the Diving Beetles (Coleoptera, Adephaga)
By Nilsson and Hajek
Distributed by authors, 2019

Higher-level phylogeny of diving beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) based on larval characters
By Michat M.C., Alarie Y., Miller K.B.
Syst. Entomol. 10.1111/syen.12243: 1-34, 2017

Diving beetles of the world: systematics and biology of the Dytiscidae
By Miller K.B., Bergsten J.
JHU Press. 336 pp., 2016

Phylogenetic placement of the Pacific Northwest subterranean endemic diving beetle Stygoporus oregonensis Larson & LaBonte ...
By Kojun Kanda, R. Antonio Gomez, Richard Van Driesche, Kelly B. Miller, David R. Maddison
ZooKeys 632: 75-91, 2016
Full title: Phylogenetic placement of the Pacific Northwest subterranean endemic diving beetle Stygoporus oregonensis Larson & LaBonte (Dytiscidae, Hydroporinae)
Full text (PDF)

Aquatic entomology: The fisherman's and ecologist's illustrated guide to insects and their relatives
By McCafferty, W.P. and Provonsha, A.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc, 1981
Not intended to be an exhaustive guide to aquatic insects but quite useful as a starter. Still available through Amazon.

Amazon link

World Catalogue of Insects. Vol. 3: Dytiscidae (Coleoptera).
By Nilsson, A.N.
Apollo Books, Stenstrup., 2004
Full PDF

Being a corrected and updated version of the printed catalogue:

Nilsson, A.N. 2001. Dytiscidae (Coleoptera). World Catalogue of Insects. Vol. 3. Apollo Books, Stenstrup. 395 pp.

And including the information given in the following three publications:

Nilsson, A.N. 2003a. World Catalogue of Dytiscidae – corrections and additions, I (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Koleopterologische Rundschau 73: 65-74.

Nilsson, A.N. 2004. World Catalogue of Dytiscidae – corrections and additions, 2 (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Koleopterologische Rundschau 74: 157-174.

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