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Species Lacinipolia lorea - Bridled Arches - Hodges#10405

moth - Lacinipolia lorea Bridled Arches - Hodges#10405 - Lacinipolia lorea Lacinipolia lorea Bridled Arches - Hodges#10405 - Lacinipolia lorea  Bridled Arches - Lacinipolia lorea Bridled Arches - Hodges#10405 - Lacinipolia lorea Lacinipolia lorea? - Lacinipolia lorea Lacinipolia lorea
Show images of: caterpillars · adults · both
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)
Superfamily Noctuoidea (Owlet Moths and kin)
Family Noctuidae (Owlet Moths)
Subfamily Noctuinae (Cutworm or Dart Moths)
Tribe Eriopygini
Genus Lacinipolia
Species lorea (Bridled Arches - Hodges#10405)
Hodges Number
forewing length 12 - 14 mm (1)

Larvae - pale violet or brownish gray with a segmental serries of gray diamonds. Subdorsal area has a serries of blackish oblique lines, and the lateral area is brown with many yellow-white flecks. The head is brown with dark brown to blackish reticulation and coronal strips (1)

Very similar to Polia nimbosa 10275. Polia nimbosa has a faint spiracular line but Lachinipolia doesn't. There seems to be a ridge across the back of A8 on Polia but not on Lachinipolia. The spiracles on Polia are supposed to be tan with a black rim. The head of Polia has a light center with dark lines down the face. The head of Lachinipolia lorea has a dark center with light sides.
British Columbia east across southern Canada through most of the eastern US and south to California, Arizona, Texas, Mississippi, and Georgia (1)
single flight in most regions, two flight in the west, May through October (1)
larvae feed on blueberry, birch, meadowsweet, sweet fern, black cherry, and wild raisin (Ohio State U.)
Print References
Wagner - Owlets (2), page 511
Works Cited
1.Moths of Western North America
Powell and Opler. 2009. UC Press.
2.Owlet Caterpillars of Eastern North America
David L. Wagner. 2011. Princeton University Press.