Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada

Superfamily Asiloidea

Apiocera sp male - Apiocera - male Robber Fly - Apiocera painteri - male Two species known from this remote desert locale - Apiocera macswaini - male Apio from mouth of Nine-Mile Canyon - Apiocera - female Apio from mouth of Nine-Mile Canyon - Apiocera - female Apiocera mexicana - female Apiocera? - Apiocera - male Apiocera? - Apiocera - male


Apystomyia elinguis - male

spider killer - Tipulogaster glabrata Robber Fly, with prey - Diogmites discolor - female Robber Fly - Laphria posticata Wasp mimic Robber Fly - Ceraturgus fasciatus Three-banded Robber Fly - Stichopogon trifasciatus Fly Spp. - Holcocephala Promachus rufipes - male Friendly Robber - Efferia aestuans - male Killer with food - Mallophora orcina

Bee fly - Villa fulviana Anthrax sp.  - Anthrax vierecki Another Fly - Hemipenthes webberi Bee fly--Exoprosopini or Villini? - Villa Bee Fly - Aldrichia ehrmanii Hemipenthes scylla? Beautiful blonde bee fly