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Xanthorhoe labradorensis

Xanthorhoe labradorensis
Stevenson, Skamania County, Washington, USA
May 14, 2007
Attracted to lights. MONA 7368. Need new species page.

how determined?
How is X. labradorensis distinguished from X. packardata? Both occur in the west, and in the photos of both species here, there's more variation among individuals than between species.

I can find no records for Oregon or Washington for Xanthorhoe packardata in any database of checklist I have access to, but that doesn't mean it's not present. There are 57 records for X. labradorensis in the Oregon State University database and none for X. packardata.

Thanks, John
It's possible that Xanthorhoe packardata is missing from Oregon, although that would be unusual because it's present in California and British Columbia. The trouble would be in recognizing it, as X. labradorensis also occurs in both of those areas.

Robin, there are so few people looking at moths in most areas I'm sure many things are being overlooked. It's great to see more and more moth photos showing up on BugGuide.

Moved from Xanthorhoe.

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