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Hogna - Hogna coloradensis - female

Hogna - Hogna coloradensis - Female
Morrison, CO, Colorado, USA
May 8, 2007
Size: 2 inches
This is a wild caught Hogna Carolinensis (I believe). I have temporarily adopted it for observations. I came across it in the mountains near Denver while working. The sex is not identified but it sure is fiesty. This is one of the more aggressive wolf spiders I have seen as it attacks almost anything that disrupts it's terrarium.

Images of this individual: tag all
Hogna - Hogna coloradensis - female Hogna - Hogna coloradensis - female Hogna - Hogna coloradensis - female


Moved from Hogna.


Could you post a dorsal view and possibly ventral, and doulble check the date?
Also, does 2 inches include the legs?
I cropped the image.

New pictures
I added the different pictures so let me know what you think. The two inches includes legs in a normal sitting position. Body size is just over one inch.

seems there are four Hogna species in CO according to the guide info page. I think two of them can safely be eliminated, which leaves H. carolinensis and H. coloradensis.
It appears to be an adult, and the small size and coloration/markings are not typical of the Carolina wolf spider, primarily the venter, as far as I know.
Maybe it is geographic variation or a Hogna coloradensis.
Moving to Hogna page for now.

How did you determine the sex from these pictures?

slender pedipalps (the little legs in front), and the epigynum (reproductive organ) on the underside.

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