Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
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Moths Butterflies Flies Caterpillars Flies Dragonflies Flies Mantids Cockroaches Bees and Wasps Walkingsticks Earwigs Ants Termites Hoppers and Kin Hoppers and Kin Beetles True Bugs Fleas Grasshoppers and Kin Ticks Spiders Scorpions Centipedes Millipedes

Upcoming Events

Photos of insects and people from the 2024 BugGuide gathering in Idaho July 24-27

Moth submissions from National Moth Week 2024

Photos of insects and people from the 2022 BugGuide gathering in New Mexico, July 20-24

Photos of insects and people from the Spring 2021 gathering in Louisiana, April 28-May 2

Photos of insects and people from the 2019 gathering in Louisiana, July 25-27

Photos of insects and people from the 2018 gathering in Virginia, July 27-29

Previous events



Syrphid Fly blue haltere - Melanostoma mellinum - female robber - Promachus hinei Wasplike fly or wasp? - Physocephala sagittaria Dance Fly - Empis spectabilis - male Ocyptamus dimidiatus - male Hairy halter - Molophilus
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
No Taxon (Glossary)
No Taxon (H)
No Taxon haltere
Explanation of Names
From Greek halteres, weights held in the hand to give impetus whilst leaping; Greek hallomai, to leap.
haltere noun, plural halteres. - two small knobbed appendages rising from each side of the thorax in the order Diptera just where the posterior pair of wings would arise were they present, and to which they are analogous. They tend to balance the insect in flight.
See Also
Internet References
Wikipedia: Halteres