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Cysteodemus wislizeni LeConte - Cysteodemus wislizeni

Cysteodemus wislizeni LeConte - Cysteodemus wislizeni
Fort Bliss, Hwy 506, Otero County, New Mexico, USA
August 15, 1995
Det. E.G. Riley, 2004

coll'ed by M. Vogel, Texas Tech Univ. Fire Study, 2nd Post-Burn Plot 3b

spmn in the UTIC, Austin, TX (1)

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Cysteodemus wislizeni LeConte - Cysteodemus wislizeni Cysteodemus wislizeni LeConte - Cysteodemus wislizeni

How do you even pin one of th
How do you even pin one of these?

not sure
I assume the elytra are stiff enough to not collapse when the pin goes in...

That would be wicked to have
That would be wicked to have in my collection. I want to go out west next summer, to collect blister beetles. Will look for some of these, as well as Tegrodera aloga, some Epicauta, and maybe some Meloe.

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