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Genus Eumerus

Eumerus sp. - Eumerus Fly - Eumerus fly - Eumerus Syrphid fly species? - Eumerus Eumerus species? - Eumerus - male Syrphid flies? - Eumerus Eumerus? - Eumerus Syrphid Fly - Eumerus - female
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Diptera (Flies)
No Taxon ("Aschiza")
Family Syrphidae (Hover Flies)
Subfamily Eristalinae
Tribe Merodontini
Genus Eumerus
Explanation of Names
Eumerus Meigen 1822
3 spp. in our area (all adventive)(1)(2), >280 worldwide
Either blackish flies with silvery spots on the tergites or reddish flies with blackish thorax. Hind Femur is swollen. The head bears no facial projection and the mouth edge is only slightly projected.
most diverse in the Palaearctic; in NA, coast to coast(1)
Most are thermophilous and can be found in grasslands and at the borders of woods and bushes, often near the larval foodplants.
Life Cycle
larvae mine in bulbs (e.g. Allium) and are considered pests
Most species fly quickly near the surface, which makes them difficult to spot
Internet References
Works Cited
1.Eumerus narcissi Smith (Diptera, Syrphidae), presence in Europe confirmed, with a redescription of the species
Speight M.C.D., Hauser M., Withers P. 2013. Dipterists Digest 20: 17-32.
2.Key to the genera of nearctic Syrphidae
Miranda G.F.G, Young A.D., Locke M.M., Marshall S.A., Skevington J.H., Thompson F.C. 2013. CJAI 23: 1‒351.