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Aculeata - Ants, Bees and Stinging Wasps

Bumblebee, Apidae - Bombus impatiens - female Megachile ID Request - Megachile pugnata Agapostemon - male Beewolf - Philanthus multimaculatus Ammophila kennedyi? - Ammophila Chrysidid Wasp? - Parnopes edwardsii - female Ant - Lasius - female Spider Wasp Paper Wasp - Polistes bellicosus - female
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Hymenoptera (Ants, Bees, Wasps and Sawflies)
No Taxon Aculeata - Ants, Bees and Stinging Wasps
Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Classification follows Pilgrim et al. (2008)(1) and Debevec et al. (2012)(2)
Explanation of Names
The name refers to the stinger (a modified ovipositor, thus, present in females only)

Family Andrenidae - Mining Bees

Family Apidae - Cuckoo, Carpenter, Digger, Bumble, and Honey Bees

Family Colletidae - Plasterer Bees, Masked or Yellow-faced Bees

Family Halictidae - Sweat Bees

Family Megachilidae - Leaf-cutter bees, Mason Bees, and allies

Family Melittidae - Melittid Bees

No Taxon Apoid Wasps (Apoidea) - traditional Sphecidae

Ampulicidae - Cockroach wasps

Sphecidae - Thread waisted wasps

Superfamily Chrysidoidea - Cuckoo Wasps and Allies

Family Chrysididae - Cuckoo Wasps

Dryinidae - Dryinids

Family Mutillidae – Velvet Ants


Family Pompilidae – Spider Wasps

Family Sapygidae - Sapygid Wasps

Family Scoliidae - Scoliid Wasps

Family Chyphotidae - Chyphotid Wasps

Family Thynnidae - Thynnid Wasps

Family Sierolomorphidae - Sierolomorphid Wasps

Family Tiphiidae - Tiphiid Wasps

Family Rhopalosomatidae - Rhopalosomatid Wasps
♀ ♂

Family Vespidae - Yellowjackets, Paper Wasps, and Hornets; Potter, Mason and Pollen Wasps
Monophyletic group that includes the "stinging wasps", ants and bees; many form colonies (small to very large), some with pronounced division of labor (eusociality)
In most (but not all!) aculeates, males have 13 antennal segments and females have 12. (3)
Works Cited
1.Molecular phylogenetics of Vespoidea indicate paraphyly of the superfamily...
Pilgrim E.M., von Dohlen C.D., Pitts J.P. 2008. Zoologica Scripta 37: 539–560.
2.Identifying the sister group to the bees: a molecular phylogeny of Aculeata with an emphasis on the superfamily Apoidea
Debevec A.H., Cardinal S., Danforth B.N. 2012. Zoologica Scripta 41: 527-535.
3.Borror and DeLong's Introduction to the Study of Insects
Norman F. Johnson, Charles A. Triplehorn. 2004. Brooks Cole.