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Species Heliothelopsis arbutalis - Hodges#4841

Moth - Heliothelopsis arbutalis 4841 – Heliothelopsis arbutalis.jpg - Heliothelopsis arbutalis 4841 – Heliothelopsis arbutalis.jpg - Heliothelopsis arbutalis Schinia? Pyralid? - Heliothelopsis arbutalis Heliothelopsis arbutalis Heliothelopsis arbutalis
Show images of: caterpillars · adults · both
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)
Superfamily Pyraloidea (Pyralid and Crambid Snout Moths)
Family Crambidae (Crambid Snout Moths)
Subfamily Odontiinae
Tribe Odontiini
Genus Heliothelopsis
Species arbutalis (Heliothelopsis arbutalis - Hodges#4841)
Hodges Number
Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Heliothelopsis arbutalis (Snellen, 1875)
Aporodes arbutalis Snellen, 1875
Panemeria rhea Druce, 1898
Noctuelia rhea Barnes & Benjamin, 1924
Wingspan: about 25 mm (1)
Forewings dark brown with a narrow grey submarginal line from the apex to the anal angle. The hindwings are black, crossed in the middle with a pale yellow-orange band from the costal margin to the inner margin. (1)
Records from southern Arizona. (1)
Records from May and September. (1)
Print References
Druce, H. 1894. Descriptions of some new Species of Heterocera from Central America. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, including Zoology, Botany and Geology, London 13 (ser. 6): 360.
Munroe, E.G. 1961. Synopsis of the North American Odontiinae, with descriptions of new genera and species (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada, Ottawa 93 (24): 52. (2)
Snellen, P.C.T. 1875. Opgave der Geometrina en Pyralidina, in Nieuw Granada en op St. Thomas en Jamaica verzameld door W. Baron von Nolcken, met beschrijving en afbeelding der nieuwe soorten. Tweede Afdeeling: Pyralidina. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, Gravenhage 18: 190, pl. 11 fig. 2.
Internet References
Species page at Wikipedia (1)