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Large Groups of Huddled Bugs on my tree trunk & branches - Cerastipsocus venosus

Large Groups of Huddled Bugs on my tree trunk & branches - Cerastipsocus venosus
Sugar Land, Fort Bend County, Texas, USA
June 11, 2007
Size: 1/4"
when I zoomed in, I noticed the geometric pattern on the beetles back and the two white semicircles on the wing ends, also the smaller insect has bright horizontal stripes

Moved from Psocidae.

Cerastipsocus venosus
Good observations. It is a group of adult and nymph Cerastipsocus venosus; Family Psocidae. They are one of the more conspicuous species in the East. I often see nymphs and adults clustered together in large groups on smooth tree trunks. The nymphs have yellow and brown striped abdomens. They are one of the largest barklouse in eastern North America. I assume the winged adults are recently metamorphosed siblings to the nymphs around them.

Check out Psocidae

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