Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Melittia cucurbitae (Harris, 1828)
Aegeria cucurbitae Harris, 1828
Melittia cucurbitae
Trochilium cucurbitae
Melittia satyriniformis
* phylogenetic sequence #079450
Six Eichlinia species occur in America north of Mexico.
Day-flying wasp mimic. Abdomen bright orange.
Eggs are flat, reddish brown, and about 1mm long. They are laid singly on the lower part of either the main stalk or the base of stems, or on leaves or fruit buds. Some eggs may be laid in cracks in soil near the base of the plant.
Eichlinia cucurbitae has a dark olive green second abdominal segment.
Distinguished from Eichlinia calabaza which has some orange on the second abdominal segment.
mostly: Jun-Aug (BG data)
Larvae feed (stem borer) on squash, gourds, pumpkins, i.e. Cucurbitaceae.
Adults take nectar.
Life Cycle
1: egg. 2 and 3: larvae. 4: mating pair. 5: egg-laying female
See Also
Eichlinia calabaza, the second abdominal segment has is orange.
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Eichlinia grandis
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Eichlinia gloriosa
Print References
Covell Jr., C.V. 1984. A field guide to the moths of Eastern North America. p.426, plate 61 #9
Engelhardt, G.P. 1946. The North American Clear-wing Moths of the family Aegeriidae. United States National Museum Bulletin 190:
182-184 (2)