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Family Bathyporeiidae

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A new amphipod in the genus Amphiporeia from Virginia
By Shoemaker C.R.
Washington Academy of Sciences 23(4): 212-216, 1933
Online: Shoemaker, 1933

A Phylogeny and Classification of the Senticaudata, subord. nov.
By Lowry J.K. & Myers A.A.
Zootaxa 3610(1): 001-080, 2013

A Practical Guide to the Marine Animals of Northeastern North America
By Pollock L.W.
Rutgers University Press, 1998
Covers marine animals from dolphins to ctenophores and flatworms in impressive detail.

The Arthrostraca of Connecticut
By Kunkel B.W.
Connecticut State Geological and Natural History Survey, 1918
Available online from Biodiversity Heritage Library.

A very useful guide to the Peracarida of southern New England. The taxonomy is of course very outdated and the key is missing a number of species described in the nearly 100 years since its publication but it has nonetheless proved very useful to me in my attempts to identify Peracaridans.

Haustoriidae of New England (Crustacea: Amphipoda)
By Bousfield E.L.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum 117(3512): 159-239, 1965
Haustoriidae has since been split into several families. The species keyed out here are now placed in Haustoriidae, Bathyporeiidae, Pontoporeiidae, and Priscillinidae. Online here.

An illustrated identification guide to the nearshore marine and estuarine Amphipoda of Florida, Vols. 1-5
By LeCroy S.E. 2000-2011
Dept Envir. Prot., Tallahassee. 816 pp.
Full text: vol. 1 (Families Gammaridae, Hadziidae, Isaeidae, Melitidae, Oedicerotidae) | vol. 2 (Ampeliscidae, Amphilochidae, Ampithoidae, Aoridae, Argissidae, Haustoriidae) | vol. 3 (Bateidae, Biancolinidae, Cheluridae, Colomastigidae, Corophiidae, Cyproideidae, Dexaminidae) | vol. 4 (Anamixidae, Eusiridae, Hyalellidae, Hyalidae, Iphimediidae, Ischyroceridae, Lysianassidae, Megaluropidae, Melphidippidae) | vol. 5 (Leucothoidae, Liljeborgiidae, Neomegamphopidae, Ochlesidae, Phliantidae, Phoxocephalidae, Platyischnopidae, Pleustidae, Podoceridae, Pontoporeiidae, Sebidae, Stenothoidae, Synopiidae, Talitridae)

Freshwater Crustacean Zooplankton of Europe Cladocera & Copepoda (Calanoida, Cyclopoida)
By L. A. Błędzki and J. I. Rybak
Springer, 2016
L. A. Błędzki and J. I. Rybak, Freshwater Crustacean Zooplankton of Europe Cladocera & Copepoda (Calanoida, Cyclopoida) - Key to species identification, with notes on ecology, distribution, methods and introduction to data analysis, Springer, 2016.

Springer link

Read sample on Amazon

Higher-level crustacean phylogeny: Consensus and conflicting hypotheses
By Ronald A. Jenner
Arthropod Structure & Development, Vol. 39, Issues 2-3, 143-153, 2010
Abstract (full text with subscription).

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