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Genus Pollenia - Cluster flies

fly - Pollenia labialis - male Pollenia - Cluster flies - Pollenia - female cluster fly - Pollenia - male Fly - Pollenia - female Pollenia rudis? - Pollenia rudis - female A small marauding fly - Pollenia - female Fly 6-8mm - Pollenia - male Fly on Worm Casting - Pollenia
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Diptera (Flies)
No Taxon (Calyptratae)
Superfamily Oestroidea
Family Polleniidae
Genus Pollenia (Cluster flies)
Explanation of Names
Pollenia Robineau-Desvoidy 1830
6 spp. in our area (all possibly introduced)(1), hundreds total
Adult cluster flies resemble house flies, but are slightly larger, about 5/16 inch long, narrower and nonmetallic gray. When at rest, they overlap their wings at the tips, whereas the house fly does not. Also, the thorax is without distinct stripes, contains many short, yellow-golden hairs, and the dark gray abdomen is hairy with light and dark patches of color. When crushed, the cluster fly has an odor resembling "buckwheat honey."
Species identification is usually impossible from images alone and may require seeing
thorax from behind (one species has a pattern only visible from behind)
underside of the wing, near the base, to see if a tuft of small hairs is present (a 1:1 or closer macro may be necessary)
posterior thoracic spiracle (to see color)
closeup of mid femur and tibia (to see small hairs)
Key to NA species in (2)
primarily holarctic
Works Cited
1.Keys to the genera and species of blow flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) of America north of Mexico
Whitworth T.L. 2006. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 108: 689–725.
2.Cluster flies (Calliphoridae: Polleniinae: Pollenia) of North America
Adam Jewiss-Gaines, Stephen A. Marshall, and Terry L. Whitworth. 2012. Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification.