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small fly - Anarete - male

small fly - Anarete - Male
Groton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA
June 14, 2007
Size: ~2mm

Moved from Lestremiini.

Moved from Lestremiinae.

[Spoke too soon. Didn't check the reference carefully enough.]

Moved from Gall Midges.

No other angles
But I did post a larger, clearer picture that might help.

Other angles?
John, I'll go back in my files and see if there are any other pictures I took of this fly.

Any more?
Lestremiinae, possibly Anarete? Do you have any more pictures?

Claspers make it male.


That's a good start
Now to see if it can be narrowed down to a level with only hundreds of choices:-)

Not an ID
but after spending some more time with this nice image, I'm wondering about a female midge (Chironomidae)?

A bit like this image, for example:

Again, hope an expert stops by and helps you out. I hope you don't mind my amateurish attempts with it! :)

Ken, thanks for the help
I'm thinking this is a midge too, but don't want to jump the gun and place it in the wrong section and have it not get looked at by an expert .

Nice shot of the antennae
which seems to place it in the Nematocera. Only a few thousand species in there!

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