Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Loxostege flavalis Fernald, 1894
Loxostege unipunctalis Walter, 1928
Head, thorax, and forewings, light ocher yellow. Labial palpi, darker yellow on the outside, white beneath. The outer cross-line is represented by a row of more or less diffuse dark brown dots arising from a little beyond the middle of the hind margin, aud curving outward slightly, then running up toward, but not reaching, the outer fifth of the costa. The inner cross-line is represented only by a dark brown dot on the basal third of the hind margin. Hind wings, white, stained outwardly with very pale yellow. Under side of all the wings, very pale yellow. The cross-line of the fore wings, repeated beneath.
Records from Arizona, California, and Nevada.
Print References
Fernald, C. H. 1894: Descriptions of Pyralidae from the Death Valley. – Insect Life. U.S. Department Agriculture, Washington D.C. 6:
Munroe, E. G. 1976: Pyraloidea: Pyralidae comprising the subfamily Pyraustinae tribe Pyraustini (part). Pp. 1–78, pls 1–4, A–H. – In: Dominick, R. B. et al., The Moths of America north of Mexico 13.2A 13.2A. – E.W. Classey Ltd. and The Wedge Entomological Research Foundation, London.
Walter, E. V. 1928: Some new moths from Arizona. – Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 30: 140.
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Kyhl Austin on 1 March, 2016 - 8:47pm
Last updated 19 March, 2016 - 6:27pm