Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Ephestiodes erythrella Ragonot, 1887
Ephestiodes benjaminella Dyar, 1904
Eurythmia coloradella Hulst, 1900
"Forewing vinous red, dusted with whitish gray in the basal area and with some faint blackish dusting along costa and on the veins..."
See Also
E. gilvescentella averages larger and lacks the "distinctly reddish ground color"
Print References
Ragonot, E. L. 1887: Diagnoses of North American Phycitidae and Galleriidae. 16
Contributed by
Kyhl Austin on 4 March, 2016 - 2:51pm
Additional contributions by
Steve NanzLast updated 18 June, 2016 - 4:32am