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Genus Lebia - Colorful Foliage Ground Beetles

Lebia analis Lebia tricolor Black and tan beetle - Lebia fuscata L. analis? - Lebia ornata 20150529-DSC_0520 - Lebia analis Lebia viridipennis Beetle - Lebia viridis Lebia ornata ? - Lebia
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Coleoptera (Beetles)
Suborder Adephaga
Family Carabidae (Ground Beetles)
Subfamily Harpalinae
Supertribe Harpalitae
Tribe Lebiini
Subtribe Lebiina
Genus Lebia (Colorful Foliage Ground Beetles)
Other Common Names
Flat Ground Beetles
Explanation of Names
Lebia Latreille 1802
'shallow, thin'
~50 spp. in 5 subgenera in our area, ~800 spp. in 18 subgenera worldwide(1)(2)(BG data) • our fauna:
subg. Chelonodema: 1 sp.
subg. Loxopeza: 8 spp.
subg. Polycheloma: 1 sp.
subg. Lamprias: 1 sp.
subg. Lebia: 38 spp. (of which 4 not yet in the guide)
2.5‒14 mm(3)
Medium-sized/small, often vividly colored carabids with wide, flattened elytra
Revision of NA fauna in (3)
Adults of 14 spp. shown in (4)
worldwide and throughout NA (north to YT & n.QC)(5)
Found on foliage and on ground
Typically late spring to mid-summer + fall; adults overwinter; two generations per year in south
Predatory on small insects; some parasitize leaf beetle larvae
Life Cycle
In summer, adults often active on foliage during the day