Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Includes members of former families Brathinidae, Dasyceridae, Empelidae, Micropeplidae, Oxytelidae, Oxyporidae, Pselaphidae, Scaphidiidae, and Scydmaenidae.
massive changes in higher taxonomy introduced in
(1) but not yet implemented in the guide
The largest animal family in our area, with ca. 4,400 described (+numerous undescribed) spp. in 540 genera of 26 subfamilies
(2)(3); current estimates for our area are 5,050‒5,250 (M.K. Thayer, pers.comm. to =v=, 15.viii.2011). World's largest animal family (Ichneumonidae may be even larger), with ~56,000 spp. in 3500 genera
Overview of our fauna taxa not yet in the guide: (*) native; (٭) non-native. NB: classification substantially updated since (2)
Section Euplectomorphi
Section Brachyglutomorphi
Section Tychomorphi
Section Ctenistomorphi
Section Pselaphomorphi
Modern keys, gallery, etc. in
useful key
here (Legner yyyy)
elytra typically short (about as long as pronotum; wings functional in most), exposing 3‒6 (usually 5‒6) abdominal segments, though abdomen concealed in a few, e.g.
Distinguishing staphylinid from carabid larvae (per
Margaret Thayer's pers.comm. to Jim McClarin)
Carabid larvae have 6-segmented legs and often 2 claws, while staphs have 5-segmented legs and always only 1 claw
nearly all carabids have the urgomphi solidly attached (not jointed) to segment 9, and at least some of the ones that do have them articulated basally have more than 2 segments, which staphs never have. Staphs almost always have the urogomphi articulated and they have only 1-2 segments; the ones with solid urogomphi are tiny and quite different in form from carabid larvae.
Often found under rocks, logs, etc. Some found on edges of bodies of water, others on carrion, decaying fungi, etc.
Most adults and larvae are predatory on other invertebrates. Some larvae feed on decaying vegetation.
When threatened, these beetles release a potent odor from the stink glands in their abdomens. They also will raise their tails bfore spraying.
(7)See Also
Fairly distinctive among beetles, could be mistaken for earwigs (
Dermaptera) at first glance
however, brachypterous forms are found in many beetle families, e.g.:
Print References
Grebennikov V.V., Newton A.F. (2009) Good-bye Scydmaenidae, or why the ant-like stone beetles should become megadiverse Staphylinidae sensu latissimo (Coleoptera). Eur. J. Entomol. 106: 275‒301.
Full text
Oberprieler R.G., Marvaldi A.E., Anderson R.S. (2007) Weevils, weevils, weevils everywhere. Zootaxa 1668: 491–520.
Full text
Internet References
Family overview (Frank & Thomas 1999‒2012)