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Species Photinus immaculatus

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Studies on the flash communication system in Photinus fireflies.
By Lloyd, J.E.
Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 130: 1-95., 1966
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Lloyd, J.E. 1966. Studies on the flash communication system in Photinus fireflies. Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 130: 1-95.

Abstract (part):

The purpose of this study is to establish a foundation of general knowledge on firefly mating behavior; such general information should pinpoint species best suited for studies on the role of flash signals in reproductive isolation. The approach is a comparative study of mating behavior in several closely related species. The genus Photinus was selected because of: (1) a relatively large number of species in eastern North America, (2) terrestrial rather than arboreal habits, and (3) apparent simplicity of function of the flashing in adults.

Revision of the Nearctic species of Photinus (Lampyridae: Coleoptera).
By Green, J.W.
Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 28: 561–613., 1956
Full Text

Green, J.W. 1956. Revision of the Nearctic species of Photinus (Lampyridae: Coleoptera). Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 28(15): 561–613.

The European lesser glow worm, Phosphaenus hemipterus (Goeze), in North America (Coleoptera: Lampyridae)
By Majka C.G., MacIvor J.S.
ZooKeys 29: 35–47, 2009

Guide to Fireflies of the Southwest
By Walker A.
New Mexico BioPark Society, Albuquerque, NM. 91 pp., 2024

Higher-level phylogeny and reclassification of Lampyridae (Coleoptera: Elateroidea)
By Martin GJ, Stanger-Hall KF, Branham MA, Da Silveira LFL, Lower SE, Hall DW, Li X, Lemmon AR, Lemmon EM, Bybee SM
Insect Systematics & Diversity 3(6), 11: 1‒15, 2019

Glow-worm larvae bioluminescence (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) operates as an aposematic signal upon toads (Bufo bufo)
By De Cock, Raphaël & Erik Matthysen
Behavioral Ecology, 14(1): 103–108, 2003

Field Guide to Western North American Fireflies
By Buschman, L.
33 pgs., 2016
Link to download full PDF

Buschman, L. 2016. Field Guide to Western North American Fireflies. 33 pgs.

This Field Guide is intended for those who would like to identify the different fireflies in Western North America. This guide covers the most common firefly species and is not intended to include all known species since many of them are uncommon (the uncommon species are considered in the last section).

North America is blessed with ca. 200 hundred species of Lampyrids. This Field Guide will focus on the flashing fireflies. However, I will present the most common “Glowwarms” (Lampyrids (females) that glow from the ground) and the “Dark Fireflies” (non-glowing Lampyrids).

Checklist and keys to fireflies of east-central Alabama.
By Lloyd, J.E.
Stridulator 4(3): 9-21., 1990
Full PDF

Lloyd, J.E. 1990. Checklist and keys to fireflies of east-central Alabama. Stridulator 4(3): 9-21.

Subfamily: Lampyrinae
Pleotomus pallens LeConte
Tenaspis angularis Gorham
Pyractomena angulata (Say)
P. angustata LeConte
P. borealis (Randall)
P. dispersa Green
P. lucifera (Melsheimer)
P. marqinalis Green
P. palustris Green
P. similis Green
Ellychnia corrusca (L.)
Phausis reticulata LeConte

Photinus acuminatus Green
P. australis Green
P. brimleyi Green
P. consimilis complex

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