Wolf Ridge, NE Minnesota, July 20-22, 2007
The Light & Smith manual: Intertidal invertebrates from Central California to Oregon, 4th edition By Carlton J.T., ed. UC Press, Berkeley‒Los Angeles‒London. 1019 pp., 2007
Contributed by v belov on 29 August, 2023 - 9:19pm |
Fresh-Water Biology By H. B. Ward and G. C. Whipple Wiley, New York, 1918
Fresh-Water Biology, 2'nd ed. By H. B. Ward and G. C. Whipple, edited by W. T. Edmondson Wiley, New York, 1959
Read online free at Internet Archive.
Review excerpt:
"In essence, the book is now a series of illustrated keys for identification. each key being preceded by supplementary information essential to its use. These keys, with a few exceptions. are easily followed by the nonspecialist and in most instances may lead the student to a generic identification, although frequently specific determinations can be made."
Rangeland Insect-Plant Associations on the Pawnee Site By Lavigne, R.J. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 69(4), 753-763, 1976
This little article is a treasure for naturalists in grassland habitats of western North America, with a listing of observed plant-insect associations from a grassland site in Colorado. The listing is organized by plant species and separated into observations of insect species pollen and nectar feeding, consuming flowers, consuming leaves, etc. A good reference for anyone interested in relationships between insects and plant communities in the west, as a sort of baseline set of hypotheses regarding insects to look for associated with a given common plant species.
Abstract available
Contributed by Shane Sater on 13 January, 2022 - 9:13am |
Classification of Insects By C. T. Brues, A. L. Melander, and F. M. Carpenter Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, Vol. 108, 1954
Subtitle: Keys to the Living and Extinct Families of Insects, and to the Living Families of Other Terrestrial Arthropods
Full text
Plant Galls of the Western United States By Ronald A. Russo Princeton University Press, 2021
An eagerly-awaited (and now much-celebrated ;-) update of the author's previous field guide (1). Currently this is probably the best book resource for overall info on galls of the western U.S., with coverage of diverse gall taxa on a wide range hosts groups, as well as abundant insights into their biology and ecology.
The publisher's web page is here. A good amount of info, and a taste for the quality of content & presentation, can be gleaned from the "Look Inside" preview accessible through the Amazon web page for the book.
Tree and Shrub Insects of the Prairie Provices By W.G.H Ives and H. R. Wong Canadian Forestry Service, Northern Forest Centre, Info. Rep. NOR-X-292, 1988
"More than 600 species of insects and mites that feed on trees and shrubs in the prairie provinces are discussed ..."
Biology of the Carrion Beetle Silpha ramosa Say By Brewer, J.W. & Bacon, T.R. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 68(5), 786-790, 1975
Details of a lab study of adults of Silpha ramosa and description of egg-laying and larval development. Adults were collected in the field from dead house mice and were maintained in the lab on a diet of hamburger or chicken liver.
Contributed by Shane Sater on 18 November, 2021 - 11:11pm |