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Wyatt's Stagmatophora Moth - Eteobalea wyattella

Wyatt's Stagmatophora Moth - Eteobalea wyattella
n.w. Austin, Travis County, Texas, USA
September 21, 2016
Size: TL ca 6mm
This micro is heavily worn, missing most of the scales on the head and thorax and almost all of the wing fringe, but remarkably, the FW pattern is quite intact. I found the original description of this species by Barnes & Busck in which they mention this species is distinguished from sexnotella by the white color connecting two white dorsal patches (i.e., on rear FW edge).

Barnes, W., and A. Busck. “Cosmopterygidae.” Contributions to the Natural History of the Lepidoptera of North America 4.3 (1920): 222-223. (Downloadable volume on