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Orange-spotted ladybug - Hyperaspis

Orange-spotted ladybug - Hyperaspis
Lost Farm, Nantucket, Nantucket County, Massachusetts, USA
June 12, 2016
Size: 2.5 mm

Moved from Lady Beetles.

This is a great photo by the way
This lateral view is the best possible angle for identifying Hyperaspis in general, as it shows the "hidden" markings along the side.

Besides this see if you can get a straight dorsal in future so we can look at the overall body shape.

I always try for a dorsal and a lateral shot, but not everyone cooperates... I will keep an eye out for more next time I'm there.

Any other photos?
Based on this one view my impression is Hyperaspis octavia.

Afraid not
It flew away after I got two identical side views.

I know how that feels
Whenever I'm hunting these I take the sandwich boxes instead of the camera, so I can photograph it in a controlled environment! Not worth the risk of losing it.

Let's keep it at genus for now. I want to rule out undulata but, I'd rather be sure. You may be able to find more at the same location since there can be local abundance.

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