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Skeletonizing leaf beetle - Ophraella notata

Skeletonizing leaf beetle - Ophraella notata
Wellesley, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA
July 21, 2007
I know it's common. I just can't place it :-(
(Maybe not common, let's say abundant at my location at that time :-) )

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Skeletonizing leaf beetle - Ophraella notata notata - Ophraella notata

Moved from Ophraella.

Ophraella notata
Well, it might be common, this species is however not in the guide yet. It is Ophraella notata. The short middle vittae are characteristic for this species. Compare here:

That reference didn't convince me but I'm no expert.
Why not conferta?

thanks for the extra photo; not conferta though
conferta never has sutural stripes and the stripes are entire; this comes from a key from Alabama:
Sutural vitta usually present (occasionally obsolescent in O. integra and O. notata) with 3 discal vittae..... 5
Sutural vitta always entirely absent; with 3, usually entire, black discal vittae..... O. conferta

notata has the first discal vitta short, about 2 or 3 times length of scutellum

Sounds good.
I suspect there are some images in the wrong place here though.
(And that's part of what threw me off.)

which pictures
which ones do you mean, Bill? I think all beetles now in conferta have entire stripes and also no very small stripe at the base either like yours has.

more notata
there might be some more notata among the ones to genus level. Noteably the last two pictures

Leaf Beetle
Family Chrysomelidae. Genus is Ophraella.

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