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Athyrma ganglio

Athyrma ganglio
Hobe Sound, Martin County, Florida, USA
August 29, 2015
Size: 18mm forewing length
This appears to be Athyrma ganglio 8583.1, a closely related species to adjutrix 8583 and not previously posted on BG. Kimball (pg 135) (1) quotes Franclemont as stating “ganglio has moderate sized reniform with or without the tail, or stem; adjustrix has an enormous reniform” (adjustrix appears to be a misspelling in Kimball). Based on that description this moth is ganglio, and one of the pinned specimens on MPG of adjutrix is also ganglio. Supported also by images at BOLD.

Back to ganglio
Jim Troubridge has confirmed your identification. He and Don Lafontaine have determined that this taxon is in fact true ganglio and will soon be formally revised. He has already made the change at BOLD. I have added your image at MPG which has followed suit.

Moved to Athyrma ganglio of authors, not Hübner, [1831]
Moved from Athyrma.

I can't make a "no taxon" page for this because the Hodges number doesn't show up. I'm also still researching this.


not exctly Athyrma ganglio
Per Lafontaine & Schmidt 2010 (1), neither Athyrma ganglio nor A. adjutrix are recognized in NA north of Mexico if I understand correctly. Florida specimens resembling either of these two species are believed to be undescribed species. I need to do a little more research first but will likely create a no taxon page for this under Athyrma ganglio of authors, not Hübner, [1831].

In any event, nice addition!

Thanks for the research on this moth!

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