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Larvae on Dactylopius - Hyperaspis trifurcata

Larvae on Dactylopius - Hyperaspis trifurcata
Limestone Canyon, Orange County, California, USA
November 13, 2016
Unusual larvae on cochineal (Dactylopius), presumably associated.

Moved tentatively
Moved from Beetles.

I think this is one of your Scymninae, no?

I will dig out the larvae reference later
Sadly little known about larvae -- but should be able to confirm genus at least. It will either be this, Diomus or Zilus (the latter of which has no documented larva to my knowledge).

Did ponder that (specifically Hyperaspis trifurcata)
Wanted an opinion just in case it was some other beetle family.

I wondered if the size was too large for them -- but, larvae can be quite longer than adults.

yes I have seen Hyperaspis larvae associated with cochineal AZ

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