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For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
dung beetle - Onthophagus taurus

dung beetle - Onthophagus taurus
Medford, (~25 miles east of Philadelphia, PA) Burlington County, New Jersey, USA
July 22, 2007
Size: ~10mm
dung beetle - further IDs welcome!

found nice and clean in the pool :(

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dung beetle - Onthophagus taurus dung beetle - Onthophagus taurus

Moved from Onthophagus.

white balance issues
although it can't be seen in these photos, turns out this beetle has hints of red/brown on the elytra and base of pronotum. Therefore, after comparing size and punctation on pronotum with others in BugGuide, I believe this on is a female Onthophagus taurus - Bull Headed Dung Beetle. My keys do not include this introduced species, so corrections are welcome.

Moved from Dung Beetles.