Order Lithobiomorpha - Stone Centipedes
Praying Mantises of the United States and Canada By Kris Anderson Independently published, 2018
This peer reviewed text includes a dichotomous key to all 15 genera of Mantodea found in the U.S. and Canada. Extremely detailed descriptions are provided for each of the 27 species found within this region, including two newly listed invasive species and two newly described species. One new genus is established along with several taxonomic revisions and clarifications. Species treatments include taxonomic illustrations, precise morphological descriptions, accurate morphometry, complete natural history documentation, exhaustive historical literature review, and detailed distribution range maps.
A new species of Speleonycta (Insecta: Zygentoma) from the bay area of San Francisco, California By L. Espinasa, M. Botelho Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 127(2):335-339, 2014
Living in the dark—species delimitation based on combined molecular and morphological evidence in the nicoletiid genus Texored By L. Espinasa, G. Giribet Texas Memorial Museum Speleological Monographs 7:87-110, 2009
Full citation:
Espinasa, Luis, and Gonzalo Giribet. 2009. Living in the dark—species delimitation based on combined molecular and morphological evidence in the nicoletiid genus Texoreddellia Wygodzinsky, 1973 (Hexapoda: Zygentoma: Nicoletiidae) in Texas and Mexico [Viviendo en la obscuridad—delimitación de especies basada en evidencia combinada molecular y morfológica en el género nicoletiido Texoreddellia Wygodzinsky, 1973 (Hexapoda: Zygentoma: Nicoletiidae) en Texas y México]. Texas Memorial Museum Speleological Monographs, 7. Studies on the cave and endogean fauna of North America, V.
Distribution and conservation status of Speleonycta ozarkensis from caves of the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas and Oklahoma, USA By L. Espinasa, M. Espinasa, D.B. Fenolio, M.E. Slay, M.L. Niemiller Subterranean Biology 14:51-62, 2014
A new species of Nicoletiidae (Insecta: Zygentoma) from Kartchner Caverns State Park, Arizona By L. Espinasa, R.B. Pape, A. Henneberry, C. Kinnear Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 74(1):82-89, 2012
A new genus of the subfamily Cubacubaninae (Insecta: Zygentoma:Nicoletiidae) from caves in south-central and southwestern USA By L. Espinasa, S. Furst, T. Allen, M.E. Slay Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 72(3):161-168, 2010
Description of a new genus of cave Thysanuran from Texas (Nicoletiidae, Thysanura, Insecta) By Wygodzinsky, P. American Museum Novitates 2518:1-8, 1973
On J. Paclt's Nicoletiidae (Thysanura) in the "Genera Insectorum" By Wygodzinsky, P. Journal of Natural History (Series 13) Volume 6 Issue 65:265-269, 1963