Order Lithobiomorpha - Stone Centipedes
Fauna svecica, sistens animalia Sueciae regni: mammalia, aves, amphibia, pisces, insecta, vermes. By Carl Linnaeus Stockholmiae, Sumtu & Literis Direct. Laurentii Salvii. Editio Altera Auctior. 1-578, 1761
267 - Papilio
286 - Sphinx
291 - Bombyx
305 - Noctua
322 - Geometra
342 - Tortrix
349 - Pyralis
352 - Tinea
Contributed by Randy Hardy on 15 December, 2017 - 9:50pm |
The Natural History of the Long Expedition to the Rocky Mountains (1819-1820). By Evans, H.E. Oxford University Press, xii + 268 pp., 1997
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Evans, H.E. 1997. The Natural History of the Long Expedition to the Rocky Mountains (1819-1820). Oxford University Press, xii + 268 pp.
Evans offers a colorful history of the expedition of Major Stephen H. Long--the first scientific exploration of the Louisiana Territory to be accompanied by trained naturalists and artists. This exciting chronicle includes beautiful illustrations by artists Titian Peale and Samuel Seymour, along with firsthand accounts from naturalists Edwin James and Thomas Say.
Contributed by Mike Quinn on 17 September, 2016 - 5:57pm |
University of Florida: Featured Creatures Series University of Florida, Entomology and Nematology Department
Added to be able to cite information referenced from any of University of Florida's Featured Creatures Series
Illinois Natural History Survey: Insect Collection Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois
The Illinois Natural History Survey (abbreviated as INHS), located on the campus of the University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois, is an active research institution with over 200 staff members, and it maintains one of the largest State-operated museums in the United States, with collections of specimens from around the world.
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Insects of Western North America: Survey of Selected Arthropod Taxa of Fort Sill, Comanche County, Oklahoma. By Kondratieff, B.C. et al. C.P. Gillette Museum of Arthropod Diversity, Colorado State University, Fort Collins., 2004
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2004-2011. Insects of Western North America: Survey of Selected Arthropod Taxa of Fort Sill, Comanche County, Oklahoma
Kondratieff et al. 2004. Part 2. Dragonflies (Odonata), Stoneflies (Plecoptera) and selected Moths (Lepidoptera)
Opler, P. A. (editor). 2005. Part 3. Chapter 1 Survey of Spiders (Arachnida, Araneae)
Chapter 2 Survey of Arachnida: Ixodidae, Scorpiones, Hexapoda: Ephemeroptera, Hemiptera, Homoptera, Coleoptera, Neuroptera, Trichoptera, Lepidoptera, and Diptera
Contributed by Mike Quinn on 20 July, 2016 - 7:57pm |
Ecological impacts of the emerald ash borer. Pp. 15-62. In: R.G. Van Driesche (ed.), Biology and Control of Emerald Ash Borer. By Wagner, D.L. and K. Todd. USDA Technical Bulletin FHTET-2014-09. Morgantown, WV., 2015
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Wagner, D.L. and K. Todd. 2015. Ecological impacts of the emerald ash borer. Pp. 15-62. In: R.G. Van Driesche (ed.), Biology and Control of Emerald Ash Borer, USDA Technical Bulletin FHTET-2014-09. Morgantown, WV.
We identify 98 Fraxinus-dependent invertebrate herbivores (or inquilines) as potentially threatened by the spread of EAB, 45 of which are reported here for the first time (Figs. 13-20). Because our compilation of Fraxinus feeders was a bottom-up tabulation for all insects and mites, built upon the collective knowledge of more than 80 taxonomic experts, we feel the data in Table 4 offer a unique look at the taxonomic distribution of ash-specialist herbivores from the estimated 70,000 species of North American insects (Arnett, 2000) and Acari (mites).
Contributed by Mike Quinn on 2 July, 2016 - 11:19am |
Collecting and Preserving Insects and Mites: Techniques and Tools By Schauff, M.E., ed. USDA Miscellaneous Publication 1443, 1986
Available online as pdf: here
This version is an updated version of the original 1986 edition.
Useful publication, comparable to (1), but includes some more recent information.
Contributed by Brad Barnd on 16 May, 2016 - 7:40pm |
California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Special Animals List. By California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB). Periodic publication. 51 pp., 2016
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Natural Diversity Database. April 2016. Special Animals List. Periodic publication. 51 pp.
"Special Animals” is a broad term used to refer to all the animal taxa tracked by the Department of Fish and Wildlife’s California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB), regardless of their legal or protection status. This list is also referred to as the list of “species at risk” or “special status species”. The Special Animals list includes species, subspecies, or Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESU) where at least one of the following conditions applies:
Contributed by Mike Quinn on 6 April, 2016 - 1:14am |