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Sympistis chorda - Hodges #10113 - Sympistis chorda

Sympistis chorda - Hodges #10113 - Sympistis chorda
Copper Ck, 10 miles north of Lincoln, Lewis and Clark County, Montana, USA
August 2, 2016
Size: medium
Attracted to blacklights, elevation 5315'

Moved tentatively pending word from Chuck Harp
Moved from Sympistis.

How do you separate this from S. sokar?
Moved from Owlet Moths.

Hi Kyhl, I see differences
Hi Kyhl,

I see differences in the postmedian and median? lines. For several years I have been collecting certain Sympistis for Chuck Harp. I sent this specimen to Chuck and included it in my 2016 submittal. I'll let you know what Chuck thinks.
Take care, Bob

Harp opinion?
Did you ever hear anything conclusive from Chuck Harp on this one? We are contemplating on running this one by Jim Troubridge to see if he believes the range for this species could very well extend from Colorado and Utah to Montana. This one looks like chorda and appears to have been found in a location that would be consistent with the areas of Colorado and Utah that are considered the current range for the species. It seems likely that this range could extend across Wyoming and Montana.

Good morning, Chuck approv
Good morning,

Chuck approved my 2016 Lep. Soc. submittal of this species photo.
Have a great day!

Thanks for the quick reply Bob.

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