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Salbia cassidalis

Salbia cassidalis
Terlingua Ranch lodge, Brewster County, Texas, USA
October 21, 2016
Size: WS about 30mm
Terminal abdominal segment plus the two preceding look very much like the photos at Bold which indicates there are 3 Mexican records in addition to those in Costa R. Wing and dorsal aspect also very close to the photos at BOLD. Found at light.

Images of this individual: tag all
Salbia cassidalis Salbia cassidalis

Moved - Confirmed by Ed Knudson
Moved from ID Request.

"The ID is correct, but S. cassidalis was previously collected in Hidalgo Co., TX, Alamo, 3-XII-13, by Charles Bordelon and it was reported in the Lep. Soc. Season Summary for 2013. It is certainly a new record for Brewster Co., TX, but not for the US. This specimen will be soon donated to the McGuire Center in Gainesville FL."

Whoopee! Thanks to all. Great addition to the Guide.

Your ID looks good to me
I am going to email Ed Knudson, Brian Scholtens, and Alma Solis about it to get confirmation on the ID and inquire whether this represents a new US record. You wouldn't have happened to collect it, would have you?

Great and thanks for your tim
Great and thanks for your time spent here. Wish I had known it had already been reported from the valley.

Goodness gracias, I don't know how you found that one or the Mexican records, but it looks like you might be right. I will call this one to the attention of Steve Nanz and Kyhl. At this time of year I don't know just who is "watching".

Thanks, Wikipedia also mentio
Thanks, Wikipedia also mentions the species as occurring in Mexico.

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