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Dryinid - Dryinus alatus

Dryinid - Dryinus alatus
Richmond Hill, York Region, Ontario, Canada
July 28, 2007
Size: 7 mm
I spotted this strange insect running along grass stems, and initially mistook it for a Microp*ezid. However, as I attempted to catch it, I realized that I was dealing with a totally different creature, perhaps a wasp. And as it turns out, that's what it was - a Dryinid.

Images of this individual: tag all
Dryinid - Dryinus alatus Dryinid - Dryinus alatus Dryinid - Dryinus alatus Dryinid - Dryinus alatus Dryinid - Dryinus alatus

Moved from Dryinus.

Moved from Dryinids.

Dryininae, Dryinus
It looks to be Dryinus alatus, but I would need to examine the specimen to be sure. Typically this species is testaceous in color, but it can be mostly black or dark brown. Its really a nice thing!

Thanks again!
I do have the specimen, though I'm currently living away from home studying. If you want it, I might be able to send it to you during the holiday.

That would be greatly appreciated! Then I can really be certain exactly what you have. If I can send anything your way as compensation just let me know.

After my exams are over (in a week), I'll email you to arrange for sending you the specimen. Hope you don't mind the wait.

I have the specimen, and it a
I have the specimen, and it arrived in great shape. For future reference try to make sure the front tarsi are not caught up in the glue on the point.

It is definitely in the genus Dryinus, and keys to D. alatus. There are some characters on your specimen that seem to vary a bit from my reference material, but the species is widespread and variable. In the future I'll be forwarding the specimen on to Dr. Olmi in Italy (world auhority) for further analysis, but I think we can safely say this is a northern extreme of Dryinus alatus.

I'll try to avoid obscuring the front tarsi next time. The insect had dried before mounting, so unfortunately the front tarsi were too close to the point and contacted the glue. Hopefully that didn't cause you too much trouble when keying the specimen.
Thanks for all your help in identifying this interesting wasp!

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