Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Ceratodalia gueneata Packard, 1876
Ceratodalia excurvata (Grote, 1883)
Phylogenetic Sequence # 910058
the only species in this genus in North America (and the world) listed at
wingspan 23-26 mm (BG images)
Adult: forewing brownish-gray, paler along costa and outer margin; PM line triple but not visible in all specimens; AM line double; ST line with 3 or 4 large dark teeth near costa; fringe pale except for dark scaling at veins, giving checkered appearance; hindwing slightly paler than forewing, with white PM line; fringe checkered; outer margin protruding, slightly angular
Specimens identified by DNA analysis:

western North America: British Columbia and Alberta to Colorado and California
adults fly mostly in July and August
Described by Packard in 1876. The type specimens (syntypes) were collected in California and in Victoria on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
Internet References
pinned adult image plus photos of related species by Jim Vargo (Moth Photographers Group)
13 pinned adult images and collection site map (All-Leps)
presence in California; list of 28 specimen records with dates and locations (U. of California at Berkeley)
type specimen localities and number of world species (Brian Pitkin, Butterflies and Moths of the World)