Sweeney Ridge, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, San Bruno, San Mateo County, California, USA
July 30, 2007
Size: Body 7-9mm; Antennae ~5mm
A number of these beetles were crawling on my clothes as I rested on the ground (in coastal scrub/chaparral). I was able to tentatively ID to genus
Trirhabda using Evans and Hogue's "Field Guide to Beetles of California"
(1). I had also seen many the previous week (July 26, 2007) along the Abbotts Lagoon trail (coastal dune, prairie and chaparral habitat) at Pt Reyes National Seashore.
When I got home, I checked BugGuide and found the post below:
The comments there, indicated knowing the host plant is crucial for an ID. From what I could gather, there are (at least?) three good candidate species of
Trirhabda in coastal California for this beetle, and each uses a different host plant:
* T. flavolimbata: host plant Coyote Brush (Baccharis pilularis); * T. luteocincta: host plant California Sage (Artemesia californica); and * T. diducta: host plant Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon californicum).
All three plants occur at Sweeney Ridge, Coyote Brush being by far the most adundant, followed by
Artemisia. Both these plants also occur at Abbotts Lagoon. I went back the next day and checked the plants. I found
very large numbers of the beetles on many
Baccharis plants and none on
Artemisia or
Eriodictyon. So I believe this to be
T. flavolimbata.