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ID Request - Hodges #5919 – Honora mellinella? - Eurythmidia ignidorsella

ID Request - Hodges #5919 – Honora mellinella? - Eurythmidia ignidorsella
1.3 miles NW of Campwood, Edwards County, Texas, USA
January 22, 2017
I this may be the correct ID, but this one does not have a complete AM line and the other one from the night before only had 2 dots for an AM line. HOwever, both had the white on the costa.

Images of this individual: tag all
ID Request - Hodges #5919 – Honora mellinella? - Eurythmidia ignidorsella ID Request - Hodges #5919 Honora mellinella? - Eurythmidia ignidorsella

Moved from Honora.

Moved from Phycitini.


The ID
Ann, you have a different ID suggestion for the lateral photo which I think is not correct as far as I can tell. The one for this dorsal image looks better to me (what do I know?), but shouldn't the moth have a longer white ribbon in the median area and not just a patch? Anyway, I know E. lignosellus but not H. mellinella and started writing this comment only because I noticed the ID discrepancy.

Thanks for noticing and calling my attention to it. I changed my mind after posting it because of the Median line. I did not realize the change did not appear on the second photograph. This one is not exactly like all the others but I think it the best species match. I have had others.

Moved from ID Request.

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