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What species of spider is this? - Kukulcania hibernalis

What species of spider is this? - Kukulcania hibernalis
Texarkana, Bowie County, Texas, USA
April 17, 2017
Size: 1 1/2'' long
This picture was taken close up so it would be clear. The spider is about 1 1/2" long including the legs. The body is about 3/4" by itself. I'm not really scared of spiders, but this one gave me a mini heart attack. I looked down after feeling a tickle on my arm and there it was.

Moved from Kukulcania.

Moved from Spiders.

Moved from ID Request.

ID Request... please
Anyone have an idea what species this is? The best I can come up with from google is the Southern House Spider, but I'm not sure that is accurate.

You are right in your assessment.
Joseph, it appears to be a southern house spider, also called a crevice weaver. Yours is a female. They are harmless, and in my experience I have never had one act aggressively or try to bite. Do not be alarmed.

It never attempted to bite. J
It never attempted to bite. Just startled me from appearing almost out of nowhere on my wrist. After I flung her onto the floor she pretty much just wanted to find a hiding spot. I picked her up and took her outside to release instead of hiding under my desk. Lol

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