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Treehoppers - Publilia modesta

Treehoppers - Publilia modesta
Fremont, (N38°27.849'W111°36.475'ele7310'), Wayne County, Utah, USA
August 18, 2007
An ant tended group on Chrysothamnus.

Images of this individual: tag all
Treehopper nymphs w/ant - Publilia modesta Treehoppers - Publilia modesta Treehoppers - Publilia modesta Treehoppers - Publilia modesta

Moved from Treehoppers.

Publilia modesta
Is it possible to get better close-up shots of the nymphs? Side views are preferred.

Thanks for the ID.
This session was shot "plein air" with breezes. Whenever I tried to move plant parts for a better shot the ants would grab adults or nymphs and simply jump off the plant. I've added two images that are close to lateral, might get a chance to revisit the location and get some improved shots.

If you do get a chance to go back, watch for other color forms of the adult; related species may be black in front, or have green sides to the crest. Thanks for the additional photos of the nymphs - see comments under those.

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