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Family Leiodidae - Round Fungus Beetles

unknown  - Sciodrepoides little brown beetle leg & mandibles - Macrohydnobius matthewsii - female Small Carrion Beetle - Catops Agathidium pulchrum LeConte - Agathidium pulchrum mystery beetle - Platycholeus Dissochaetus - male super round beetle - Agathidium Leiodinae, swept from low-lying vegetation
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Coleoptera (Beetles)
Suborder Polyphaga
No Taxon (Series Staphyliniformia)
Superfamily Staphylinoidea
Family Leiodidae (Round Fungus Beetles)
Other Common Names
Small Carrion Beetles, Mammal Nest Beetles
Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Anisotomidae, Catopidae, Cholevidae, Colonidae, Leptinidae, Leptodiridae, Platypsyllidae
Explanation of Names
Leiodidae Fleming 1821
~3500 spp. in ~340 genera worldwide, 382 species in 38 genera in our area(1) (incl. >130 spp. in Canada+Alaska) placed in 5 subfamilies(2)(3)(4)(5)
Overview of our faunaTaxa not yet in the guide are marked (*)
Family Leiodidae
Subfamily Catopocerinae
Subfamily Leiodinae
Subfamily Cholevinae
A small eighth antennomere is characteristic(6)

Some European galleries provide samples of the fauna fairly representative of the Holarctic region: Leiodidae DeutschlandsPolish faunaCholevinae and Leiodinae of Germany
worldwide & across NA(2)
litter, various decayed matter, vertebrate and ant nests/burrows (some even ectoparasites of mammals), caves/caverns, various fungi (incl. subterranean ones) and slime molds (Myxomycetes)(2)
Print References