Other Common Names
Western Dusk-singing Cicada
Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Megatibicen resh (Haldeman)
Syn: Tibicen resh (Haldeman)
Orig. Comb:
Cicada resh Haldeman 1952
Explanation of Names
The markings on the mesonotum look like an upside-down
Hebrew letter Resh (and its mirror image on the other side)
Large (2-2.5 inches incl. wings)
M. resh is one of our LOUDEST CALLING EASTERN Megatibicen SPECIES.
However, the alarm squawks of Megatibicen resh (Haldman) rival those of M. pronotalis (syn. walkeri Metcalf). Like M. pronotalis, the males of M. resh have also been recorded producing a mean sound pressure level of 105.9 dB(50cm) ranking them among the loudest insects in the world!
Refer to this link for details
Loudest Insects
Large (2-2.5 inches incl. wings)
Colorful & patterned -may be green(s), tan, rust, and/or brown with black markings
Similar pattern of pruinosity as seen in M. auletes but less defined and extensive.
Similar in appearance and habit to
Megatibicen auletes (Germar 1834), "Northern Dusk Singing Cicada" but slightly smaller and much less pruinose (not nearly as grey-white in appearance).
differentiating M. resh from the "M. pronotalis Group"
The "Z" infuscation found near the tip of the forewing is prevalent in M. resh and NOT so in M. pronotalis or M. dealbatus (usually very faded or absent).
WINGS: The costal margins of the forewings in M. resh - heavy veins of the leading wing edge - are gradually arciform and NOT strongly bowed in appearance. The heavily infuscated (i.e. smoky black-grey) "Z" visible towards the ends of the forewings, and typical of most Megatibicen species, is well-developed in M. resh (i.e. The radial and radiomedial cross veins of tegmina, forewing, are HEAVILY infuscated or darkened.).
Megatibicen resh
Note the evident "Z" towards the tips of the forewings
(NOTE the faded "Z" - the cross veins are evident but not heavily blackened)
Megatibicen pronotalis var. pronotalis
(NOTE the faded "Z" - the cross veins are evident but not heavily blackened)
Megatibicen pronotalis var. walkeri
(NOTE the lack of a smoky black "Z" - ONLY the cross veins are evident)
Megatibicen pronotalis var. pronotalis
(NOTE the lack of a smoky black "Z" - ONLY the cross veins are evident)
sc US (BG data)
Megatibicen resh replaces
Megatibicen auletes (Germar 1834) &
Megatibicen resonans (Walker 1850) in the Gulf States west of the Mississippi River (esp. LA, OK, and TX).
Louisiana (common in New Orleans!), Texas, s. Arkansas, most of Oklahoma, sw. Mississippi (Biloxi and nearby communities and woodlands), and s. Kansas ?? spurious reports - (UNKNOWN/UNCONFIRMED - often confused with similar species, refer to remarks section / reported, but specimens were determined to be
Megatibicen pronotalis).
Also reported to occur in other parts of the Southeast - i.e. Carolinas & Georgia??? - it is likely these reports/specimens are misidentifications of similar species (M. resonans specimens were id'd as M. resh in one collection reviewed) or specimens lacking complete/accurate collection data.
Some NOTES on Morphology & Distribution:
Coloration, pattern and size is subject to geographic distribution. Additional collecting efforts may better address these observations.
Populations in the southern and eastern part of the range (LA & coastal TX / e. TX) often tend to be larger, lighter green and possess less black patterning.
Some individuals from populations along the western periphery of the range (i.e. drier parts of Texas) may often be characterized by duller greens, tan, and even browns/reddish-browns - often with more white pruinosity.
There is also a slight tendency for specimens from the northern part of the range (ne. TX, s. OK & s. AR) to be smaller and much darker green, often patterned with more black.
Haldeman thought the original specimen was collected in Utah on an expedition to the Great Salt Lake, and published the description with the report for that expedition- but was apparently mistaken.
Hardwood forests (oaks)
Esp. Live Oaks, both Quercus virginiana & Q. geminata + other misc. Quercus spp. (seems to like Q. nigra).
Late summer.
July-September (Arkansas & Oklahoma)
July-November (Gulf States, LA & TX).
Life Cycle
Much like that of M. auletes
eggs usually laid in dead twigs, wood or bark
(occasionally eggs may be laid in living stems and twigs)
eggs hatch and nymphs burrow into the soil
nymphs feed on the sap in roots for several years (prefer oaks, Quercus spp.)
Final instar nymphs emerge and develop into winged adults (emergence for this species usu. occurs at night - into early morning)
Replaced by Megatibicen auletes in eastern Gulf States (MS, AL & FL)
Replaced by M. resonans in Pine dominated habitats across the southeast (east of the Miss. Riv.)
The calls of Megatibicen resh, M. resonans, and M. auletes are very similar and frequently confused with one another.
Similar variations in pronotal patterns have led to misidentifications and questionable distribution reports for all three species mentioned, particularly M. resh (see range for details)
Similar in appearance and habit to
Megatibicen auletes (Germar 1834), "Northern Dusk Singing Cicada" but slightly smaller and much less pruinose (not nearly as grey-white in appearance).
Frequently confused and closely related - M. auletes, M. resh & M. resonans.
M. auletes is our LARGEST EASTERN Megatibicen SPECIES.
M. resh
M. resonans